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潇洒的走。Free walk.

怎样行走。How to walk.

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跟我走吧?Walk with me?

睡前散散步。Walk before bed.

因为他喜欢走路He liked to walk.

走或者慢跑下来。Walk or jog down.

你是走回来的吗?Did you walk back?

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上下楼梯靠右边走。Walk on the right.

他可以说走就走。He could walk away.

你走到墙角站好。Walk to the corner.

是你转头就走。Are you turn a walk.

我累的连路都走不动了。I can not even walk.

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我行走于梦中。I walk in the dream.

如果你走得快的话。If you walk quickly.

你溜狗了没有?Did you walk the dog?

处理散客入住。Handle walk in guest.

这位患者已到了帕金森病晚期,都已经无法行走了。He is unable to walk.

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我最好到处走走。I better walk around.

我陪你走吧。I will walk with you.

让我们和平地生活。Let us walk in peace.