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警卫看见了你和兰缇一起,上到顶楼。The guards saw you with Lentil. Up at the penthouse.

我的好运气可能永远不会是高档轿车或顶层豪华公寓。My fortune may never be fancy cars or a penthouse apartment.

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该顶层公寓房的设计风格可选古典式或现代式。The penthouse will be available in either a classic or contemporary style.

阳光100出租大4居,精装复式,居住办公都可以。Sunshine 100 rental 4 Habitat large hardcover penthouse the office can live.

一个下午,萨阿迪邀请我去他的顶层套房,刚好就在我的房间上面。One afternoon, Saadi invited me to his penthouse suite, just upstairs from my own.

如果她没付钱,那银行可以没收她的豪宅,她也可能以破产告终。If she defaults, the bank confiscates her penthouse and she may well end up a bankrupt.

凯恩得出这样的结论是基于一场小丑拜访布鲁斯·韦恩的屋顶公寓的戏。Caine bases this belief on a scene where the Joker pays a visit to Bruce Wayne's penthouse.

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不过我不太想住在多层的房子中了,即使能多拥有一个阁楼。I didn't want to live in a multi-story building anymore, not even if I had a penthouse unit.

特朗普和妻子梅拉尼亚·特朗普居住在纽约特朗普大楼的三层阁楼里。Trump and wife Melania Trump live in a three-floor penthouse in Trump Tower in New York City.

目前是特朗普和他第三任妻子梅拉尼娅,以及他们10岁的小儿子巴伦住在这里。The penthouse is currently home to Trump, his third wife Melania, 46, and their son Barron, 10.

如果知道他们会安排你在私人海岛上灯塔里过夜,谁还会想着去住酒店顶楼的套房?Who needs a penthouse suite when you can book a lighthouse on a private island? — Andrew Ferren

世界屋脊的“复式”别墅也将有一个游泳池,花园及一个阿拉伯议会。The roof of the "Penthouse" villa will also have a swimming pool, a garden and an Arabian majlis.

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米勒把大部分的时间花在他新买的顶楼住宅中,地点在纽约时髦的肉品市场区。Miele spends most of his time in his new penthouse apartment in New York's trendy meatpacking district.

“我的确有想过买房子,不过决定不买了。”他说,“事实上我更喜欢欧普拉的小棚屋。”"I actually thought about purchasing it, decided not to, " he said. "I like Oprah's penthouse instead. "

这个阁楼悬浮于拉斯帕尔马斯大楼之上三米,由细细的钢铁支柱支撑。The Penthouse floats a good three meters above the Las Palmas building, held aloft on thin steel columns.

登上酒店最高层的商务套间阳台,满目葱绿,芳草碧色的高尔夫球场一直延伸到天际。The hotel's luxury penthouse suite overlooks the golf courses which extend to as far as your eye can reach.

大陆投资者对香港高档公寓需求旺盛豪华住宅楼天玺的两套顶层复式公寓是这一趋势最明显的迹象。Two penthouse units at a luxury condominium known as the Cullinan are the most significant sign of the trend.

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他于最近在同一地方购买了另一栋顶层公寓。Qatari prime minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim, who recently purchased another penthouse in the same development.

这个豪华的飞艇提供了一个酒吧和休息区,4个复式公寓,一个顶层楼阁,五个小公寓。The luxury zeppelin offers a bar and lounge area, four duplex apartments, a penthouse and five smaller apartments.

不过,此时,默多克正坐在纽约第五大道的顶层豪宅中,修剪着指甲,心中像以往一样满足。But as he sat in his Fifth Avenue penthouse trimming his nails, Murdoch was as near to contentment as he had ever been.