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铜矿与硅灰石矿、石英矿共生。There copper mine, wollastonite mine and quartz mine are intergrowth.

硅灰石也有一定的增韧功能,部分起到了玻璃短纤维的作用。Wollastonite had certain toughening function like that of short glass fiber.

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硅灰石是一种性能优良的塑料增强改性填料。Wollastonite is a fine-property plastics filler of reinforcing modification.

剪搓磨是一种先进、新型生产针状硅灰石粉的专用设备。Preparation methods of aciform wollastonite powder are researched in this paper.

研究了针状硅灰石粉填充对尼龙66的结构和性能的影响。The effects of wollastonite on the structure and properties of nylon 66 were studied.

剪搓磨是一种先进、新型生产针状硅灰石粉的专用设备。Cutting-rubbing mill is advanced new model special equipment for aciform wollastonite.

研究了硅灰石硅溶胶浆体的固化过程及机理。The process and mechanism of solidification of wollastonite silica sol slurry are studied.

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研究了硅灰石对尼龙12烧结材料的填充改性作用。The modification effects of wollastonite on the properties of the SLS part were investigated.

红外吸收光谱分析结果证明硅灰石表面有硬脂酸接枝物。The results of IR shown that grafts of stearic acid remain on the surface ofthe wollastonite.

以水淬高炉炉渣为原料,成功地在低温下熔融并转化成工业用硅灰石。The furnace slag chilled with water can be melted at low temperature and be converted to wollastonite.

同时并探讨以炉石取代钙矽石之可能性。The other objective of this research is to seek the probability of using slag to replace wollastonite.

实验以湖北大冶硅灰石为原料,初步探讨了硅灰石表面改性的工艺条件。In this article, the processing conditions of surface modification of Hubei Daye wollastonite are studied.

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另外,还就硅灰石中的碳质物对于硅灰石粉白度的影响进行了讨论。The influence of the black carbonaceous substance on the whiteness of the wollastonite powder was discussed.

利用钙矽石与二氧化碳做反应,经由碳酸化反应将其固定成为碳酸钙,是为有效的方法之一。Using wollastonite to fix the carbon-dioxide via carbonation reaction seems to be one of the effective methods.

目的研究硅灰石涂层的细胞相容性和成骨诱导能力。Objective To study cellular compatibility and bone-inducing activity of the plasma sprayed wollastonite coating.

高长径比超细硅灰石的制备是硅灰石矿物深加工技术的一个重要研究内容。The preparation of wollastonite of high aspect ratio is an important matter of further procession of wollastonite ore.

钙铁硅玻璃在还原气氛下热处理后其主要晶相是磁铁矿和硅灰石及少量赤铁矿。The main crystals in the calcium iron silicate glass_ceramics heat_treated are magnetite, wollastonite and minor hematite.

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首次利用龙江县硅灰石研制出了高压电瓷,并测试了其晶相组成和性能。The high tension electroceramics using Long Jiang county wollastonite as a main material were successfully developed first.

探讨了用硅灰石粉代替硫酸钡制造醇酸腻子。The paper explored the manufacturing process of substitute wollastonite flour for barium sulfide to produce the alkyd putty.

在粉煤灰中加入钙质材料,制成硅灰石型微晶玻璃。The calcium materials are added in fly-ash , and the architectural ceramic glass that crystal phase is wollastonite is gotten.