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耶稣是那房角石。Jesus is the Cornerstone.

的确,社区是这一切的基石。Once again, the cornerstone is community.

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对她来说,盲文是教育的基石。For her, Braille is a cornerstone of education.

音乐势利是独立音乐的里程碑。Music snobbery is a cornerstone of indie music.

“门罗主义”成为美国外交政策的基石。"Monroe Doctrine"has become the cornerstone of U.

惟有坚持才是踏向成功的基石。Only insist on is the cornerstone of step to success.

这是优质用户界面设计的基础。This is the cornerstone of good user interface design.

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它会成为我在罗德麦尔的新图书馆之收藏的重要一本。It shall be the cornerstone of my new library at Rodmell.

我现在在底特律的基石学校。Fredricka, I'm at the Cornerstone Schools here in Detroit.

弗雷德里卡,我现在正位于底特律的基石学校。Fredricka, I'm at the Cornerstone Schools here in Detroit.

嘉能可以及基础投资者均拒绝置评。Glencore and the cornerstone investors declined to comment.

中立主义是缅甸外交政策的基石。Neutralism is the cornerstone of neutralism foreign policy.

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五人地下城是魔兽世界的基本要素。Five-person dungeons are a cornerstone of World of Warcraft.

这被视为是网络言论自由的奠基石。It is thought to be a cornerstone of free speech on the Web.

这种类型的测试是软件质量的基础。This sort of testing is the cornerstone of software quality.

有氧运动是大多数健身项目的基础。Aerobic activity is the cornerstone of most fitness programs.

双射是有状态组件开发的基础。Bijection is a cornerstone of stateful component development.

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甲亢心的主要治疗是抗甲状腺治疗。The cornerstone of the treatment of THD is antithyroid therapy.

这是在这一基石之上,邦联找到了革命的起点It was the cornerstone on which they had founded their revolution.

贸易一直是我们的经济增长和全球发展的基石。Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and global development.