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连一片叶子都没动。I am shaking like a leaf.

我想我开始震惊。I think I started shaking.

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庄叔华摇了摇尾巴。Joshua is shaking his tail.

落花随风飘飘摇摇。Fallen petal shaking in wind.

她激动得浑身发抖。She was shaking with emotion.

这包括摇头的动作。It involves shaking your head.

男孩害怕得直发抖。The boy was shaking with fear.

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你没注意到我的手在抖吗?Did you notice my hand shaking.

这种轰隆隆的声音震天动地,我们觉得房子的地基都在颤抖。We feel the foundations shaking.

我看到有些人摇头。I see people shaking their heads.

我和我的狗一样兴奋得浑身发抖。I was shaking as much as the dog.

是风刮得窗户响。It's the wind shaking the window.

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安娜贝利摇着头说。Anne-Marie said, shaking her head.

我可以阻止我赌手从动吗?。Could I stop my hand from shaking?

博恩斯教授还在不停的颤抖。Professor Burns was still shaking.

斯蒂尔曼是甩不掉的。There was no shaking off Steelman.

她会摇晃我,冲我大声指责。shaking me and yelling in my face.

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最有技巧地“摇青”开始了。The most skillful "shaking" begins.

我边说边笑着摇了摇头。I said, shaking my head with a smile.

你在颤抖You started shaking over there. Yeah.