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他们穿着时髦的衣服,并在市场沃克博特。They wear trendy clothes and walkabout in the market.

首相坚持要到贝尔法斯特民众中走动走动。The Prime Minister insisted on going walkabout in Belfast.

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我在哪里可以在线看电影免费商场逗留充分流?Where can I watch Walkabout movie online free full stream?

我们有3溢价2011年一级方程式夜间赛赠品沃克博特门票!We have 3 premium walkabout tickets for 2011 Formula 1 Night Race to giveaway!

在那里等了一个小时后,威廉果真现身,并且在人群中向她靠拢。After waiting an hour, William did a walkabout and reached her place in the crowd.

上个月,卡梅伦也是第一位在开罗解放广场漫步的外国领导人。Mr Cameron was also the first foreign leader to go walkabout in Tahrir Square last month.

我可以想像吸毒是去商场逗留在澳大利亚-有这麽多只看见。I can imagine how addicting it is to go walkabout in australia – there's just so much to see.

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皇室成员穿梭在烤肉排队的人群中,频频和群众握手。The royal family went on a walkabout at the barbecue party, shaking hands with ordinary people.

结论步行矫形器能帮助T10以下完全性截瘫患者完成功能性步行。Conclusion Walkabout can help patient with complete paraplegia below T10 to complete functional walking.

当晚,我们头顶着南十字星徒步旅行,看到五、六只大灰袋鼠以树丛为食。On our night walkabout underneath the Southern Cross, we saw a half-dozen big gray kangaroos feeding on brush.

徒步是一种精神再生的旅行,人可以从大地得到力量,从而和大地变得不可分离。Walkabout is a journey of spiritual renewal where one derives strength from the earth and becomes inseparable from it.

选择了新西兰进行首次非正式访问,新西兰人对感到自豪,是可以理解的。New Zealanders are understandably proud that the Queen chose their country for the first-ever walkabout eleven years ago.

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诚实的说,在季前说了这么多并且努力比赛了两个星期之后,防守已经变成了悠闲地散步。Honestly, after talking it up so much in the preseason, then playing hard for the first two weeks, the defense has gone for a walkabout.

1999年菲利普亲王访问爱丁堡一家电子厂时,他说一个塞满电线的保险丝盒看起来“就像是一名印度人干的”。During a 1999 walkabout at an Edinburghelectronics factory, Prince Philip remarked that a fusebox bursting with wireslooked "as if it was put in by an Indian".

警察和安全部门一时的粗心大意昨天险些惹出大祸。撒切尔夫人在这里的一个购物中心漫步时,被愤怒喊叫的示威人群团团围住了。A potentially dangerous blunder by police and security authorities here yesterday saw Mrs. Thatcher mobbed by yelling demonstrators during a shopping mall walkabout.

他至今甚至还没放弃与决定离开波东巴西区的詹时中组成“梦之队”的念头,并在前天邀约他一起到西海岸集选区走动。Till today, Mr Jeyaretnam hasn't given up on the idea of forming a dream team with Mr Chiam and even invited Mr Chiam to join him at a RP West Coast Walkabout 2 days ago.