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卡农加上对位。Canon plus counterpoint.

这里是巴松管,对位There's the bassoon, counterpoint.

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这是复杂的东西,不论是复音还是对位法So it's complex stuff, this polyphony or this counterpoint.

我们也称之为,对位法We also use the word "Counterpoint" Sort of synonymous with it.

这种审美形态包括音程的“和谐”、和声的“和谐”、复调对位中的“和谐”。It related to the harmonious of interval, harmony and counterpoint.

又是16小节,而且是自由对位的一个完美例子Sixteen bars there, again, and a perfect example of free counterpoint.

影片的色彩浓的逼人,森森鬼气呼应着优雅的动作。The film is in lurid colors, a pulp counterpoint to the elegance of the action.

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最后不妨让我给这些反割礼分子最后出人意料的一击。But here’s a final counterpoint to anti-circumcision you may not have considered.

舒伯特在他有生最后一年找到一位对位法老师上课。During the last year of his life Schubert sought out a counterpoint teacher and took lessons.

和声或对位织体。高低两声部各有自己的旋律进行状态。Harmony or counterpoint songs. Two voices, one high and the other low, sing different melodies.

那么,这是模仿式对位法,因为,有个乐句一遍又一遍地重现So this is imitative counterpoint because there's one idea that keeps coming back and back and back.

惯例作为企业基因的合理对应物在这一过程起到了最为关键的作用。Routine, as a reasonable counterpoint to corporate gene, has played an important role during this process.

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一对见多识广的夫妇委托建造这栋住宅,寻求能够与自己在城市中的小公寓相对立的住宅。A well-traveled couple commissioned the house, seeking a "counterpoint" to their small apartment in the city.

他又舔了舔干燥的嘴唇,当他继续说的时候,泪水早已模糊了她的脸。He licked his dry lips again, in counterpoint to the tears that started to stream down her face, as he continued.

要求一个初学的人具有和声学和对位法方面的知识是不现实的。It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint in a beginning music student.

在市内一家街边咖啡屋的90分钟谈话中,他们对抗议者提出了相应的批评。During 90 minutes over coffee in a street-side cafe in the city, they offered a critical counterpoint to the protesters.

这个复调住宅是一个为四口之家设计的挺拔明亮的家,其坐落在树木茂密的社区里的一个狭窄地块。Situated on a narrow lot in a leafy neighborhood, Counterpoint House is a lofty, light-filled home for a family of four.

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他在浪漫派这一主调音乐盛行的时期,特例独行地沉浸于复调音乐创作天地。He preferred counterpoint music writing that being very special in the period of Romantic, which homophony been dominated.

与之对应的是一件戏剧化的象牙白宽松夹克,缎面翻领,配一条同色的烫了永久性裤线的阔脚裤。Its counterpoint was a dramatic ivory smoking jacket with satin lapels , worn with long, full pants with permanent creases.

西方基督教教会自复调音乐产生以来,对复调技法的发展一直抱以十分关注的态度。The Christian Church had been concerned the development of counterpoint technique since counterpoint music come into being.