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他意味深长地举起了他的手。He raised his hands expressively.

他朗诵自己的诗感情充沛。He reads his poems very expressively.

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但当遇到有关政治的问题时,……”她耸耸肩,喝口拿铁咖啡。She shrugs expressively and takes a sip of her latte.

毕竟,每年的税收就是一大证明。After all, the annual revenue can expressively prove it.

这儿有一个练习帮助你使用你的身体的表现力。Here's an exercise to help you use your body expressively.

她意味深长地用双手把订单递给了服务员。She gave the order to the waiter, using her hands very expressively.

享受这美丽的镀银和晶体意味深长此致手镯。Enjoy the beauty of this silver-plated and crystal Expressively Yours bracelet.

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而我们则可以用面部动作来表达信息和进行微妙的交流。Whereas we can move our faces expressively and pick up on subtle communications.

通过分析,试图将聂先生的合唱指挥艺术在文中体现的更为具象化。By analyzing, it tries to present Nies chorus conducting art more expressively in this essay.

他也想把自己包裹起来,但却是用写满了字的表现性的白色枕头。He also wants to enwrap himself, but expressively in white pillows with lots of written phrases on them.

目的利用工程学方法形象客观地模拟人体各种脉象。Objective To simulate the human pulse patterns expressively and objectively by using engineering technique.

作者运用欧洲风格中的光与强烈的色彩表现成为作品主题的女人。The woman as the central motif of the picture is expressively painted by using light and strong colours in a European manner.

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这一本手册是为那些有心提升敬拜团队弹奏技巧,愿意花时间编写乐曲的信徒而写的。This manual is expressively written for those who wish to improve the level of worship team playing through creative writing.

人在出生后至学龄前这段时期里,在不认识汉字的情况下,在语言环境中逐步能够流利的用语言表达出自己的想法,意图等等。Children before their school age have little or no knowledge of any Chinese characters, are able to express themselves fluently and expressively.

让小孩多听、多看,在充满音乐的环境里得到熏陶,更有利于小孩学习有表情地唱歌。Let children listen more, see more, full of music has been the influence of environment, more conducive to children learning to sing expressively.

即使那些通常在日常会话中能够富有表现力地运用手势的人,在听众面前讲话时也觉得双手成了笨拙的附属物。Even people who normally use their hands expressively in everyday conversation seem to regard them as awkward appendages when speaking before an audience.

印度浸染了一部动乱喧嚣的历史,一些具有传统理念和概念思考能力的艺术家充分描绘了这段历史,成为这个国家独有的艺术形态。India has had a tumultuous history which has been depicted expressively by the artists, an amalgam of tradition and conceptual abilities unique to this country.

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不言自明,“问责风暴”一词虽系新造,但不可不谓传神地描绘了中国当下“山雨欲来风满楼”的政坛生态。Obviously, although "the accountability storm" a word is the reforger, but cannot not say described China expressively immediately "the blowing up for rain" the political ecology.