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你实际上是在诡辩。What you are really doing is quibbling.

因此留有许多讨价还价的余地和延误。That leaves plenty of scope for quibbling and delay.

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正确的结果,错误的行为会破坏文化。Right results, wrong behavior can be quibbling to culture.

杰姆觉得跟他磨嘴皮子没意思,于是便不再做声了。Jem decided there was no point in quibbling and was silent.

而在接下来的几周时间内,仍有可能发生互相指责及拖延时间的可能。Yet the coming weeks offer plenty of scope for quibbling and foot-dragging.

如果你对合同满意,又为何对确切的时数而斤斤计较呢?If you are satisfied with the contract, why are you quibbling about the exact hours?

老特拉福德之败或许有些冤,但看看总比分,枪手的颓势便一目了然,毫无争议。The Old Trafford defeat may have been undeserved, but there is no quibbling with the aggregate score.

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你还要接受市场的不确定性,不找借口地接受小亏损。You have to accept the uncertainty of the markets and be ready to take a small loss without quibbling.

基辛格感到罗杰斯是在挑刺儿。但是,律师出身的尼克松支持了他的同行的挑刺儿。Kissinger felt that Rogers was quibbling , but the lawyer in Nixon supported the quibble of a fellow lawyer.

盖茨把大部分功劳都归给自己,最终经过他的一番纠缠,艾伦同意了64-36分账。Gates had put in more work than Allen, and eventually after some quibbling from Gates, Allen agreed to a 64-36 split.

吹毛求疵的指责中国破坏世界贸易组织的规则只是在浪费时间并增加两国的紧张关系。Quibbling with Hu over China's alleged WTO trade rules violations will be a serious waste of time and only increase the tension.

美国环保人士说,鉴于方案的巨大影响和快速通过,为几个百分点争论不休不值得。American environmentalists say it is not worth quibbling about a few percentage points, given the huge sweep of the package and its swift passage.

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本文从幽默中最常见的诡辩术入手,举例分析说明了诡辩运用于幽默的广泛性和不可替代性。This paper proceeds with most common sophistry in humor, and takes some examples to analyze that quibbling applies to humor comprehensively and unsubstitutably.

如MCG的电涌防护器在正常使用过程中损坏,MCG公司将无偿维修或更换。Should the basic surge protector assembly suffer damage while in normal service, MCG will either repair or replace the unit, without charge and without quibbling.

保守派们总是反复乏味地讨论时滞,政府浪费,乘数效应的诡论,和巨额财政赤字,来困扰大家。The conservatives burden us with tedious talk of lag times, government waste, quibbling about multipliers and some nonsense about the sustainability of large, fiscal deficits.

幽默技巧数不胜数,古今中外的幽默题材中,诡辩因为容易出奇、出巧、出怪,常常与幽默形成的原理和内部机制暗合,成为主要的幽默技巧之一。There are countless humorous skills. Quibbling becomes one of the main humorous skills, for its unusual, skillful, and strange way, which is often agreed with inside mechanism in humor.