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大小对比。Size contrast.

明暗反差大是照片的大敌。Contrast is your enemy.

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相对内存空间而言。Contrast with memory space.

相对于处理器定制。Contrast with processor-specific.

这是一个相当明显的对比。It's a quite spectacular contrast.

这就是一个没有对比的例子。This is an example of no contrast.

但这次要拿出来做个对比。But this one does offer some contrast.

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相反,随着GT300的办法。Contrast that with the GT300 approach.

对比度带肋圆领和袖孔。Contrast ribbed crew neck and armholes.

在门襟和领子的对比小费。Contrast tipping at placket and collar.

调整触控式显示幕的亮度。Adjusts the contrast of the touch screen.

与三星相比,苹果没有屈服。In contrast to Samsung, Apple is a holdout.

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另设空白对照组。Set up the blank contrast group separately.

所以另一方面,如果你做得到So if you can--On the other hand, contrast.

休闲类的全面性对比拼接。Allover contrast stitching for casual class.

相比之下,他的兄弟比较好相处.By contrast , his brother is quite easygoing.

撞色布泡泡袖及有褶饰边裙脚。Contrast color puffy sleeves and frilled hem.

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与今日的政治科学有着天壤之别。Contrast that with today's political science.

黑色的头发与白皙的皮肤形成鲜明对比。Black hair is a sharp contrast to a fair skin.

这与婴儿潮一代形成了对比。Contrast that with the Baby Boomer Generation.