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热火限量珍藏版的一部分。Part of the MIA Limited Edition Collection.

米雅只想休息一下,歇口气。Mia just wanted to rest and catch her breath.

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这款软件让米亚变得更加合群了。It's allowed Mia to become much more sociable.

米米很爱小动物,从这吃鱼头也可见一斑。Mia loves little creatures, this also proves it.

米亚绷起一只脚。她把脚挪到前面。Mia points one toe. She moves the foot in front.

这名男子是该校29岁的老师张米亚。This man was the 29-year-old school teacher Zhang Mia.

米雅感冒了一个月之后,终于渐渐好转。Mia finally got over her cold after being sick all month.

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米亚是美国职业拳击手,也是跆拳道冠军。Mia is an American professional boxer and Tae Kwon Do champion.

参观战争失踪人员遗址对我们所有人来说,是一次难以忘怀的经历。The trip to the MIA site was an experience none of us would ever forget.

我站在牧场的训练场上,看着14岁的米亚骑她的马儿利奥。I'm standing in my ranch's arena, watching 14-year-old Mia ride her horse, Leo.

随后将由演员米亚·法罗每天从达尔富尔的一个难民营发布网上直播。Followed by a daily webcast by the actress Mia Farrow from a Darfur refugee camp.

伊恩。约翰逊和杨西云提供信息。密雅。李调查。Ian Johnson and Yang Xiyun contributed reporting, and Mia Li contributed research.

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从某种意义上说,这是新的弗拉门戈,但过失米亚显示她有能力适应节奏。In a sense this is new flamenco, but Culpa Mia shows her ability to adapt rhythmically.

伍迪和米亚。请不要提姓。他们是曼哈顿区名人之中的国王皇后。Woody and Mia. No last names, please, for the king and queen of Manhattan's glitterati.

普罗旺斯著名薰衣草观赏地分别为鲁伯隆山区、施米亚那山区。Now the famous Provence lavender, respectively Lubailong mountain, the mountain Mia Oxfam.

沙泽勒在第一幕就确定了米娅和赛博的个人事业和喜好。Chazelleuses the film's first act to establish Mia and Seb's individual careers and passions.

别误解,我不反对全球化,我只是对米娅法罗所说的感到困惑。Don't get me wrong, I am not against globalization, just confused about what Mia Farrow says.

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米雅必须为同事做绩效考核,她也为另一个人做了绩效考核!Mia has to give performance reviews to people at work. And she gives one to someone else, too!

随着故事情节的推进,佩德罗在一次事故中被埋进了一处隧道中,于是米娅开始了踏上了寻找父亲的漫漫历程。To that storybook end, Pedro ends up buried in a tunnel, and Mia embarks on a journey to find him.

但是,夺得奥运会金牌和夺得世界杯冠军的感觉有什么不一样么?让米亚-哈姆来告诉你答案。But how does winning an Olympic tournament compare to lifting the World Cup? Mia Hamm can tell you.