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你能在这里安家落户吗?Can you settle here?

我决不降低要求。I settle for no less.

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让我们安下心来读书。Let's settle down to studies.

明矾可以澄清浊水。Alum will settle turbid water.

明矾可以澄清浊水。Cold water will settle coffee.

你难道不想生活安定下来吗?Don’t you want to settle down?

雨将使尘埃平息。The rain will settle the dust.

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路上的柏油干硬了吗?Did the tar settle on the road?

番号永不磨灭番号们收信誉卡吗?。Do you settle for credit cards?

他可能会在澳大利亚定居。He might settle out in Australia.

我和他有一笔债务要结清。I have a debt to settle with him.

你专心吃你的薄饼吧。Settle down and eat your pancakes.

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那你可以跟你的主人商量。That you may settle with your host.

咖啡的沉渣会沉淀。The sediment of coffee will settle.

为什么要安心于次等的生活?Why settle for a second-grade life?

头痛的事,找解决法!Headachy thing, search settle a way!

哪怕曼哈顿只有点雪泥也好。I'd even settle for Manhattan slush.

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把它们的弧变成彩虹,闪耀着,或者Rainbow their arcs, spark, or settle

今天我要跟你好好算算帐。Today I'll settle accounts with you.

我们需要一阵雨使尘埃平息。We need a shower to settle the dust.