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他说的话真令我感到惊讶。What he said amazed me.

他既惊讶又激动,兴奋难以言表。He was amazed and excited.

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总有一天,人们会大吃一惊。Some day we shall be amazed.

他工作效率之高让我惊诧。I was amazed at his efficiency.

听到这一消息我们都大为吃惊。We were amazed to hear the news.

那些新娘们好厉害啊。Wow, those brides are so amazed.

这个事实既令他震惊,也向他提出了挑战。That fact both amazed and challenged him.

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他对她行为的宽容使我惊愕。His toleration of her behaviour amazed me.

你会发现你将拥有一股冲劲。You'll be amazed by the power of momentum.

看到他们无力管理的惨状,我都觉得好笑。I’m amazed to see their inability to govern.

令我吃惊的是,我竟理解得这么透辟。I was amazed to see how readily I understood.

竟然允许发生这样的事情,真是令我吃惊。I was just amazed this was allowed to happen.

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我很惊讶有人知道,做得好I'm amazed that anybody got it. Good for you.

杰克被家园树内部的巨大空间所震惊。Jake is amazed at the size of HOMETREE inside.

当金蛙跟他们谈话时,他们感到惊讶。They were amazed when the frog talked to them.

他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇。He amazed everyone by passing his driving test.

我一直惊叹于美丽的水彩画。I am always amazed at the beauty of watercolor.

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我们惊讶地发现在这麽短的时间卖完。We are amazed at how fast these went ourselves.

我读得很快。我的朋友们都特别惊讶。I read really fast. My friends are amazed by it.

当我轻轻的电灯开关,我感到惊讶。When I flicked on the light switch I was amazed.