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这是,因为它发生的,无关宏旨。This is, as it happens, irrelevant.

风与雪花的人生,各不相干。The wind and snow life, all irrelevant.

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他们说,股利政策是无关的They said, dividend policy is irrelevant.

我认为他的话不切我们的话题。I think his words irrelevant to our topic.

还没有,但现在那是相当枝节的问题。Not yet, but that's fairly irrelevant now.

根元素的标签是不相关的。The tag of the root element is irrelevant.

在市场调查中,精确度是无关的。Precision in market research is irrelevant.

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你说的与本题无关。What you said is irrelevant to the subject.

仅此足矣,其他的一切,似乎无关紧要。Every-thing else in the end seems irrelevant.

尽量删去你那文章中无关的细节。Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

删去你那文章中无关的细节。Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

这些具体的任务是不相关的。The specific tasks themselves were irrelevant.

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这一切真德都希望跟我无关…All these really Dedu hopes with me irrelevant.

VCT网络成本与效益不匹配。The cost benefit of VCT networks was irrelevant.

DPM值与作用时间无相关性。The value of DPM was irrelevant to exposure time.

然而这并不意味着科学与他们没关系。But this does not mean that science is irrelevant.

他削除我的演讲稿中他认为不相关的东西。He pruned my speech of what he thought was irrelevant.

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按舒尔茨先生的话说,洛桑会议因此变得有点不着边际。Lausanne, says Mr Schulz, therefore became irrelevant.

是哪个外星人种族在通知联系人是无关紧要的。It is irrelevant what alien group informed a contactee.

玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance.