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阿森纳准备出售左后卫克里希。Arsenal are preparing to sell left-back Gael Clichy.

基兰·吉布斯将取代轮休的盖尔·克利希出场。Kieran Gibbs will replace Gael Clichy, who is rested.

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利物浦密切关注着克利希在阿森纳的情况。Liverpool are keeping tabs on Gael Clichy's situation at Arsenal.

他们另两名新援恩戈格和卡库塔都坐在替补席上。Their other recent signings, David Ngog and Gaël Kakuta, started on the bench.

如果纳达尔拿下今天的比赛,他将有可能在下一轮对阵另一位法国选手孟菲尔斯。If he wins this match, he will be expected to meet another Frenchman, Gael Monfils.

克里希和迪亚比都在国际比赛日随法国参赛而脚踝受伤。Gael Clichy and Abou Diaby both collected ankle injuries with France during the break.

盖尔·克利希的防守面积和对于对位球员瓦伦西亚的贴身盯防都是完美的。Gaël Clichy's defensive covering and closing down of his opponent Valencia was excellent.

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在被法国队首次召入后,阿森纳左边后卫盖尔。克利希表达了他的自豪。Arsenal left back Gael Clichy has expressed his pride following his first call-up for France.

克利希被认为是很棒的签约,但被认为缺乏专注度。Gaël Clichy has looked an astute signing but carries a reputation for lapses of concentration.

爱尔兰是两极政党制,主要的两大党为共和党和统一党。Ireland has a bipolar political party system with two major parties, Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.

其次,就意识形态而论,统一党属于温和的中偏右,而工党是坚定的左派。Ideologically, Fine Gael is moderately centre-right, while the Labour Party is firmly on the left.

克里希和罗西基已经重新开始训练了,他们各自伤势是背伤和腹股沟伤势。Gaël Clichy and Tomas Rosicky have returned to training after back and groin problems respectively.

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年轻球员如法比奥博里尼,马蒂克和库卡塔将出现在明天的替补名单里。Young players Fabio Borini, Nemanja Matic and Gael Kakuta will be on the substitutes' bench tomorrow.

尽管上周六在博尔顿比赛半场结束前因为一个小腿挫伤一瘸一拐的离开球场,但盖尔·克里希已适合出战。Gael Clichy is fit despite limping off just before half-time at Bolton last Saturday with a bruised shin.

据报道摩纳哥后卫吉维和纽卡斯尔六号让-阿兰?布姆松也在德尚的名单之中。Monaco stopper Gael Givet and Newcastle No 6 Jean-Alain Boumsong are reportedly also on Dechamps' wish list.

那场比赛本应是我们2-1赢下的。但是在最后几分钟克里希却制造了一个令人难以理解的犯规。“罗西基这样说道。The lads were winning 2-1 but then in the last minute Gael gave away a really stupid penalty, " said Rosicky."

克利希认为坎贝尔能够应对白鹿巷给他摆下的鸿门宴。Sol Campbell can cope with the hostile reception which awaits him at White Hart Lane, according to Gael Clichy.

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后防线上托雷最固定的搭档,加拉斯和克利希奉献了23次救险。Toure's nearest rivals in this department, William Gallas and Gael Clichy, ended the campaign 23 clearances behind.

克利希,加拉斯,迪亚比和萨尼亚被选入了法国30人大名单。Gael Clichy, William Gallas, Abou Diaby and Bacary Sagna have all been selected in France's 30-man preliminary squad.

克里希说阿森纳全队上下都齐心协力地支持法布雷加斯,这位队长因为个人事务回到西班牙。Gael Clichy says the Arsenal squad are rallying round Cesc Fabregas while he deals with personal issues back in Spain.