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我们不要不公正地贬低她的工作。Let's not devalue her work unjustly.

我懊悔不该错怪了她。I regretted having blamed her unjustly.

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不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。Its unfair to devalue anyones work unjustly.

他受到顶头上司的错怪。He was unjustly blamed by his immediate supperior.

因此,霍布斯认定,君主不可能永远做到公正。Therefore, Hobbes concludes, he can never act unjustly.

她认为公众的关注点被不公正的琐碎化。She said people's concerns have been unjustly trivialized.

不过当你被政府不公平地对待时,尝试起诉下政府试试!But just try to sue the government when you are unjustly harmed by it!

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对驾驶员需要有一定的容忍余地,以免造成不公正的处罚。A margin of tolerance is needed so that drivers are not unjustly charged.

我们呼吁立即释放所有遭受不公正拘捕的人。We call for the immediate release of all who have been unjustly detained within Iran.

他们的律师声称该州的判决不公正,侵犯了他们信仰自由的权利。Their lawyers contend the state is unjustly violating their right to religious freedom.

倘若人为叫良心对得住神,就忍受冤屈的苦楚,这是可喜爱的。For it is a credit to you if being aware of God you endure pain while suffering unjustly.

右翼总是以美联邦最高院日益扩大的权力责备左翼,这并非空穴来风。The right tends to blame the left for the Supreme Court's expanded ambit, and not unjustly.

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我们对于新移民女性被贬低、歧视、不公不义对待的行为绝不会袖手旁观。We will not standby as immigrant brides are demeaned, discriminated, violated and unjustly treated.

由知名导演朴赞旭执导的「老男孩」,是讲述一个人冤狱被关押了15年的故事。"Oldboy, " from the respected director Chan-woo Park, is about a man unjustly imprisoned for 15 years.

此外,真正的统治者,从某些方面看来是一位,相信,Thrasymachus,believes,有勇气为自身利益,而做出不公情事的人。Again, the true ruler, in some ways, is one, Thrasymachus who has the courage to act unjustly for his own interest.

本页面的附图,画着一个丈夫无端地责怪他的妻子,此画卷具有我们所称道的中国艺术的全部高贵和优雅之处。The illustration shows a husband unjustly accusing his wife, and it has all the dignity and grace we connect with Chinese art.

霍布斯从他自己的,这一声名狼藉的结论中得出另一观点,即君主不可能永远做到公正。And Hobbes draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly.

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如果你看了他们过去一年关于印度的文章,你就会发现他们对印度的偏见有多恶毒和不公。If you read their articles about Indiain the past one year, you will see how virulently and unjustly they're biasedagainst India.

一个人是否可以在服从的同时保留独立的人格,受到不正当的攻击或者指责时保护自己呢?Can a person be a true submissive and still assert her individuality and defend herself when she feels unjustly attacked or accused?

因为我不愿为不公正地投入监狱这个事实而痛苦下去,而且为了把自己弄得很忙,我就自愿多干额外的活儿。I decided that I wouldn't let the fact that I was unjustly imprisoned embitter me, and to keep myself occupied, I volunteered for extra work.