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去慰问他们?To console them?

登录控制台。Log in to the console.

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打开管理控制台。Open the admin console.

号笛控制在控制台。Whistle control on console.

退出组策略控制台。Exit the Group Policy console.

修复控制台的输出,分别。Fix of the console output, resp.

雷电,关掉你的游戏机。Raiden, switch off your console.

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一个新的管理操控台单元。A new management console snap-in.

向控制台打印输出结果。Print the results to the console.

至于其他人,情人卡也无济于事。For the rest, no card can console.

从管理控制台注销。Log off the administrative console.

登录到管理控制台。Log into the administrative console.

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登录到管理控制台。Logon to the administrative console.

他试图安慰她,但是徒劳。He tried to console herm but in vain.

登录到管理控制台。Log on to the administrative console.

从管理控制台注销。Logout of the administration console.

回到这个管理控制台。Return to the administration console.

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可以在NUnit和控制台中运行的测试both NUnit and console runnable tests

退出管理控制台。Log out of the administrative console.

使主机和UMD卡更长命命。More long life of console and UMD card.