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它们都具有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可用于取食树叶和树苗。They have prehensile lips for feeding on leaves and saplings.

热带大草原的啮草黑犀牛有能卷握东西的嘴唇,可以用于吸食灌木的嫩枝叶。The savanna browsing black rhino has a prehensile lip for feeding on shrubs.

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一个幼猩猩由于有了适于抓握东西的脚,使它们吸吮拇指达到了一个新水平。A baby orangutan takes thumb-sucking to a new level thanks to prehensile feet.

猴子适合抓握的尾巴,使他们能以看起来不可能的姿势攀附着树木。Monkey's prehensile tails allow them to cling to trees in seemingly impossible position.

它们不仅能在地上,而且能在树上拢食,因为它们有长爪以及长而可盘卷的尾巴。They can do this on the ground, but also in trees due to their long claws and strong prehensile tails.

他们最显著的特征是头骨基部长出的一对触角。这对触角美观而适于抓物。Their most distinctive feature is a pair of shapely prehensile tentacles that grow from the base of their skulls.

一根没有毛发、适于缠绕的叉状尾巴拖在身后,用来保持平衡。四肢末端是巨大弯曲的利爪。A naked, forked prehensile tail trailed it, aiding in balance, and its arms and legs terminated in large curved claws.

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几种蜘蛛猴属热带美洲猴中任一种,生有长腿及可缠绕的长尾巴,没有拇指。Any of several tropical American monkeys of the genus Ateles, having long legs and a long prehensile tail and lacking a thumb.

塞莱吉亚人是一种钵水母纲的智慧种族,看起来就像漂浮的大脑曳挂着一串缠卷的触须。The Celegians are a species of intelligent scyphozoans, appearing as floating brains trailing a cluster of prehensile tentacles.

猴属的各种猴子之一,吼猴产于美洲热带地区,长有能盘卷的长尾,能发出极其响亮的吼声。Any of several monkeys of the genus Alouatta of tropical America, having a long, prehensile tail and an extremely loud, howling call.

新的发现显示,这些海马能够用它们擅于抓握的尾巴在海草团中浮游数周甚至数月。The new finds suggest that the fish could have held onto floating clumps of seagrass for weeks or months with their prehensile tails.

精灵龙体长大约为一英尺,身体纤细苗条,很像一只缩微型的龙族,有一条适合抓握的尾巴,蝴蝶般轻薄的翅膀上有着丰富的图案。Faerie dragons are about one foot long and resemble miniature dragons with thin bodies, long, prehensile tails, gossamer butterfly wings, and huge smiles.

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现在拿语言来说,我们必须假设,实际上,语言本身,就像能握住东西的拇指一样出现在我们身边。Now in the case of language, we have to suppose as a matter of fact that language, as it were, appeared among us in the same way that the prehensile thumb did.

它们靠卷尾在海草或珊瑚上来固定自身,用细长的吻部吸入浮游生物和漂游的小甲虫类。They anchor themselves with their prehensile tails to sea grasses and corals, using their elongated snouts to suck in plankton and small crustaceans that drift by.

本文最后根据对特许经营的理论与实践的分析得出了相应研究结论,即特许经营是经实践证明的可操作的商业模式,但要抓住重点并不断创新才能更好地展现其魅力。B. Base on all research and analysis in principles and practices, this article concludes that franchising is been proved and exercisable business model, only after prehensile stress and innovation.

就像对人类进化至关重要的大拇指,经历了一场大地震后,如果所有有这种拇指的人都消失了,那么人类就很可能永远不能进化。In comes the prehensile thumb, and the next thing you know you get a colossal earthquake, and the possessor of the prehensile thumb disappears from the earth -which is to say, very possibly the human species will never develop.