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他们在海浜避暑。They summer at the seashore.

我们在海滨渡过了夏天。We summered at the seashore.

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他们在海滨过夏。They summered at the seashore.

她沿着海岸闲逛。She doodled along the seashore.

她在海岸上卖海贝壳。She sells seashell on the seashore.

海岸上的阳光很美。The sunshine was beautiful on the seashore.

他们将部队重新部署在沿海滨一带。They redeployed the troops along the seashore.

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在无尽世界的海滨,孩子们相聚。On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.

在这世界的海滩上,孩子们自娱自乐。Children have their play on the seashore of world.

孩子们有自己的游戏,在世界的海滨。Children have their play on the Seashore of worlds.

海滨使我联想起童年假期的各种愉快情景。The seashore remind me many hapiness of my childhood.

目前在沿海部份地区设为海滨公园。Currently, a seashore Park was set up along the coast.

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他们在他们村庄附近的海面上养殖海带。They cultivated kelp off the seashore of their village.

离我们家往南不远,就是一片海滩。Not very far from my house lies a seashore in the south.

海岸被遇难的船只的油污染了。The seashore is fouled up with oil from the wrecked ship.

探宝队为什么进了一个离海滩很近的岩洞?Why did the search party go into a cave near the seashore?

他们沿海岸筑起一道堤坝以拦住海水。They built a dam along the seashore to retain the seawater.

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探宝队为什么进了一个离海滩很近的岩洞?。Why did the search party going to a cave near the seashore?

那么打高尔夫球的人对海滨雀稗评价如何呢?So do golfers rate seashore paspalum as a birdie or a bogie?

今天,海上钻井正在许多离开海岸很远的地方进行。Taday, the drilling is farther and father away fron seashore.