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到达了它的成年期。It has reached adulthood.

但是恐惧也会发生于成年时期。But a phobia can occur in adulthood.

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他留人的姑娘在成年之后。When a Taliu girl reaches adulthood.

这种感觉会持续到成年。This feeling continues into adulthood.

毛虫在成年期会变成蝴蝶。Caterpillars become butterflies in adulthood.

禁止溺婴、婴和其他残害婴儿的行为。Some infantile actions survive into adulthood.

早日成年是许多青少年迫切的渴望。Reaching adulthood is a much longed-for milestone.

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犹太受诫礼是男孩成年的标志。A Bar Mitzvah marks a boy's passage into adulthood.

她的第一个愿望是在成年时能拥有一辆车。Her first was to have a car when she reached adulthood.

许多精神疾病发端于成年期之前。Many psychiatric disorders begin well before adulthood.

一个婴儿的依附类型在成年以后是否会保持?Does your infant attachment style stay with you into adulthood?

他喜欢户外生活,希望一直可以打猎到他成年的时候。He loves the outdoor life and hopes to continue hunting into adulthood.

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一只成年的大锤头鲨可以长到约500磅。A great hammerhead shark will reach an average of 500 lbs. at adulthood.

直到有一次昆西?琼斯把这条成年定律告诉了我。It was Quincy Jones who said to me one time this exact law of adulthood.

双相情感障碍主要在青少年晚期或成年早期发病,也有一些在老年期发病。Bipolar disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood.

难道你真想沿着这样一条路走向成年吗?Is that really how you want to start off your life moving towards adulthood?

童年时候不断的肥胖对于成年期的超重来说是个已知风险。Increased fat in childhood is a known risk for being overweight in adulthood.

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但是专家称,这些行为通常持续到成年期。D. H. D. in children. But experts say the behaviors often last into adulthood.

每个成年男性大约每昼夜能吸入10-15立方米空气。Each adulthood male about each can inhale day and night 10-15 cubic meters air.

产生不良行为的趋势会一直持续到青年期。It was found that these delinquent tendencies lasted well into early adulthood.