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生态系统必须保持稳定。An ecosystem must remain stable.

一个城市的生态系统是怎样的?What about the ecosystem of a city?

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流是如何适应那种生态系统的呢?How does flow fit into that ecosystem.

你的肚脐眼中存在着一整个生态系统。A whole ecosystem lives in your belly button.

三是河流生态系统破坏严重。Third, river ecosystem is destructed seriously.

你怎么看它周围的生态系统呢?What do you think about the surrounding ecosystem?

该SPI作为整个生态系统的根基。This SPI serves as the foundation for an ecosystem.

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三文鱼在唐嘎斯的生态系统中起着非常重要的作用。Salmon play a central role in the Tongass ecosystem.

这种美丽的熊和生态系统的每一层都有着联系。The beautiful bear used all layers of the ecosystem.

柴山充满丰富的林相、生态。Chaishan abounds lush forest physiognomy and ecosystem.

“那”生态文化的运演是一个极佳的例证。The usage of " Na " ecosystem culture is a good example.

描述生态系统的刊物,需要预付定金。Dynamics of ecosystem science. Requires paid subscription.

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温盖特一步一步地重组了失去了的生态系统。Notch by notch, Wingate was reassembling a lost ecosystem.

恢复水生态系统结构和水滨空间。To rehabilitate aquatic ecosystem and the waterfront areas.

长江江豚的灭亡将会是生态系统遭受破坏的一个标志。The finless porpoise is an icon of an ecosystem under siege.

影是植物覆盖着的表层对生态系统最大的贡献。Shade is vegetated surfaces’ primary service to the ecosystem.

红树林生态系统的价值及其污染问题。The value of the mangrove ecosystem and its pollution problems.

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一个生态系统就是一个生物网络“,博格斯说。"An ecosystem is a network of living creatures, " says Burgess.

在自己建成的生态系统中,白蚁们一直工作着,忙碌一生。They work their lives away in this ecosystem uint by themselves.

这是服务生态系统或者服务价值网的概念。This is the notion of the service ecosystem or service value-net.