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寂静的公路发生了连环杀人案件,凶手就是你。Interlink homicides happen in the quite highway, you are the murderer.

一场连环的禁毒战役就此打响。The battle prohibiting toxin of an interlink at this point start shooting.

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这就是我们在陆地上如何相互联接来创造全球能量流的。This is how we interlink with one another to create global energy flow upon the continents.

如果我能保持健康一直呆在队中,我想这两个目标我都有机会去实现。They almost interlink if I can stay fit and stay in the team and play well I might have a chance.

一个连环杀手神出鬼没,以极其残酷的手法杀害女性。Appear and disappear mysteriously of an interlink killer, kill with extremely brutal gimmick female.

他还发明了循环太极图,用以说明河图与先天八卦图的相通之处。He invented a "circulating Tai Ji diagram" to explain the interlink of He Tu and "prenatal eight trigrams".

SEO智能链接过程中自动连环关键字搜索您的文章,页面和评论。SEO Smart Links can process your posts, pages and comments in search for keywords to automatically interlink.

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对闭区间套定理的条件作一些变动或增加,可以得到相同的结论。Change or increase some conditions of the theorem of interlink of close interval, we can reach the same result.

认为这些系统作为一个系列的零件和碎片旨在互联在相对轻松的方式进行。Think of these systems as a series of parts and pieces designed to interlink in a relatively effortless manner.

我们是二手重土筑路和工程设备行业的世界代理商。Interlink Equipment Inc. is an international distributor of USED earthmoving-roadbuilding and construction equipment.

剥权主要表现为制度运作实践中形成的制度连接机制。The concept of legalized deprivation takes on the forms of institutional interlink in the operation of institutional practice.

设计实例表明,基于相邻状态链的多重态分配技术是有效的。The design examples show that the assignment techniques for multi states based on the interlink states chains is all effective.

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你可以链接请愿网站到Facebook和你的博客给它更多的分量。Interlink as much as possible to spread the word. You can link the petition site back to Facebook and your blog to give it more heft.

最近,纽约出现了一位连环凶手,特克与罗斯特二人负责调查此案。Recently, new York appeared an interlink murderer, overcome especially with Luosite 2 people are in charge of investigating this case.

认为胆与心是通过经络络属的,且生理相关,病理相因。The author thinks that the interlink established on the basis of the Meridians and Collaterals, and it relates to the physiology and pathology.

该软件拥有满足绝大多数需要的用于文档、组织、记录、图片、账户以及你的生活的每个方面的程序。It has programs covering most required programs to document, organize, record , picture , account and interlink each and every aspect of your life.

如果你可以在这些社会媒体的个人简介中加入包含锚文本的对你博客文章的链接,那么可以提升其在搜索引擎中的位置。If you can interlink these social media profiles with your blog posts with acceptable anchor text, you can help push up other positive pages in the search results.

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八卦连环刀以形意八卦为基础,常练此刀法对身形的轻捷、灵活和下肢的力量都能有很大提高。Eight elements interlink knife is base on the Shape and impression eight element, practice this a lot can improve the nimble of the body, the strength of lower limbs.

接着市里接连发生多起少女连环被害事件,受害女生遇害时都被打扮成性感的洋娃娃装扮。Event of girl interlink be murdered produces many cases one after another in city then, be dressed up when be murdered of fall victim schoolgirl sexy doll is dressed up.

如果客户端组织已经有了和体系结构办公室类似的制度,那么您应该结合这个现有的组织结构。If the client organization already has an institution with more or less the same functions as an architecture office, then you should interlink with this existing structure.