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我们在比哈尔、北方邦、孟加拉邦和奥里萨邦难道没有最穷的劳动力吗?Dont we have the poorest raw labor in bihar, up, bengal and orissa.

这次试射于2010年12月3日进行,地点是奥里萨邦的临时测试靶场。This was test-fired on 3 December 2010 at the Interim Test Range in Orissa.

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印度门球全国冠军赛于今年元月24日---25日在奥里沙邦,布班斯瓦市举行。National Gateball Championship was held on 24th and 25th Jan. 2009 in Bhuhanesear, Orissa.

位于东部的奥里萨邦8月份以来弥漫著印度教徒和基督教徒之间冲突的硝烟。The eastern state of Orissa has been wracked with clashes between Hindus and Christians since August.

它的子公司——由韦丹塔和奥里萨邦政府联合所有的斯特里特工业公司将经营这座矿。Its subsidiary, Sterlite Industries, which is co-owned by the Orissa government, will operate the mine.

本部在英国的韦塔丹资源公司已计划在印度奥里萨邦东部增开六倍多的炼铝厂。British-based Vedanta Resources had planned a six-fold expansion of its aluminum refinery in the eastern Orissa state.

浦项在印度东部Orissa邦的长期拖延的提议项目因为抗议和调查而走样。The long-delayed proposed plant of POSCO in India's eastern state of Orissa has been stalled by protests and green probes.

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一个印度村庄的男孩运行在世界水日的贝汉布尔,奥里萨邦,印度,星期一,2010年3月22日通过一个炎热的领域。An Indian village boy runs through a parched field on World Water Day in Berhampur, Orissa state, India, Monday, March 22, 2010.

在最近发表的一份声明中,该公司表示,“奥里萨邦的大多数当地居民欢迎并支持韦丹塔”。In a recent press statement, it said that the “vast majority of the local community in Orissa has welcomed and supported Vedanta.”

中国人民解放军也在印度,同时也请查查在奥利萨邦和古吉拉特中中国公司所做的工作数量。Chinese PLA is present in INDIA as well please check the amount of work being carried out by CHINESE companies in Orissa and Gujrat.

印度国防部说,这枚烈火叁型远程导弹星期四从印度东部奥里萨邦沿海的惠勒岛上发射。India's defense ministry says the Agni-three missile was launched Thursday from Wheeler Island, off the eastern Indian state of Orissa.

我也要再次感谢您们每一位不停止的代求与为我们奥瑞沙省弟兄姐妹的爱心奉献。I would like to once again thank each one of you for your unceasing prayers and love offering for our beloved brothers and sisters in Orissa.

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此外,六月赴奥省的服事中我们听闻有一位纽西兰籍的牧师因为陷入同性恋的软弱而放弃了在奥省的服事。Moreover, we came to know this time that one New Zealand pastor gave up his ministry work in Orissa for he was found falling into homosexuality.

当地媒体援引军方消息报道说,这次试射是在东部奥里萨邦沿海的钱迪普尔综合试验场进行的。Local media reports quoted military sources said the test is in the eastern coastal state of Orissa money Dipple conducted comprehensive testing ground.

印度军方官员称,印度可能将于23日在东部奥里萨邦试射可携带核弹头的"烈火"-2中程弹道导弹。India is likely to test the nuclear-capable Agni II Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile in eastern state of Orissa Monday, according to military sources.

在东部的奥利萨省,上千名村民抗议韩国POSCO公司在那里的林地上修建钢铁厂。In the eastern Orissa State, thousands of villagers have demonstrated against plans by South Korea's POSCO firm to set up a steel plant on large swathes of forest land.

组织宣称塔塔集团在奥里萨邦兴建的港口会杀害珍贵的榄蠵龟及其他海洋生物,应该关闭。Greenpeace is claiming that a port, being built by the Tata group in Orissa province, would kill rare Olive Ridley turtles and other marine life and should be shut down.

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印度奥里萨邦反基督教暴乱后,一张破损的耶稣基督画像挂在被拆毁的住宅墙上。A damaged portrait of Jesus Christ hangs on the wall of a demolished home after an anti- Christian mob attacked it in Barakhama village in the eastern Indian state of Orissa.

在印度东部奥里萨邦普里的海滩上,一个小贩走过印度艺术家苏达温•帕特纳伊克制作的基地组织头目本·拉登头像沙雕作品。A vendor walks past a sand sculpture of Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden created by Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik on a beach in Puri in the eastern Indian state of Orissa.

在这10年间,孟加拉邦每年都报告出现了霍乱病例,而马哈拉施特拉邦和德里联邦属地有9年报告了霍乱病例,奥里萨邦有7年报告了霍乱病例。The state of West Bengal reported cases during all 10 years, while the state of Maharashtra and the union territory of Delhi reported cases during nine, and Orissa during seven.