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这是我的宣誓书。This is my affidavit.

即使她签署了宣誓书。It didn't matter that she'd signed an affidavit.

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这是我父母的经济担保证明。Here is the affidavit of support from my parents.

我会记录下来,签署一份宣誓书后你就可以离开。I'll type it up, you can sign the affidavit , and split.

于是凯伦又重新看了一遍录像,签了另一份宣誓书。She viewed the video again and signed another affidavit.

律师请他的当事人在宣誓书上签了名。The lawyer invited his client to subscribe the affidavit.

因为不同起因,这是十分辣手,文化的敏感话题。It is a very aerial and cultuassemblage acute issue, for altered affidavit.

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法官也尊奉了联合政府递交的一份宣誓书。The judges also took on record an affidavit submitted by the Union government.

我做这个誓章由于反对原告人简易判决申请。I make this affidavit in opposition to the Plaintiff's application for summary judgment.

唐在附于该动议文件的证词中称,他是一名很成功的交易者。In Tang's affidavit attached to the motion record, Tang claims that he is a quite successful trader.

凯伦签署了一份宣誓书以证明她不认识这个女人,并拿了一份这女人肖像的复印件。Karen signed an affidavit that she didn't know the woman, got a printout of her image, and that was it.

在一份逮捕令誓言书中写道,有一男子告诉警方,他曾开车送这名女性和另一名男性去那个动物庇护中心。An arrest warrant affidavit says a man told officers he had driven Johnson and another man to the shelter.

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请您填写一下这张丢失存折声明书,并写出您开立帐户时所用的暗语。Please fill out this lost passbook affidavit and list the code word you used when you opened your account.

当局在证词中提到事故原因时说,“游艇看上去是人为造成沉没的”。"The vessel appeared to have been deliberately sunk, " authorities said in their probable cause affidavit.

表哥感到不适,眼睛会不停地眨,有种在禁闭室里录口供的感觉。The cousin feels unwell, the eye can keep blinking, have kind of feeling that records affidavit in guardhouse.

但在东部卫生组织回应这场官司的宣誓书中,误差率实际上远远高于预期。But an affidavit filed by Eastern Health as a response to the lawsuit shows the error rate is actually much higher.

在盛怒之下,他抡起锤子砸烂了海水过滤器,又在船身上凿了个洞。In his rage, he smashed the sea strainers with a hammer and drilled the hole to sink the vessel," the affidavit said.

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在盛怒之下,他抡起锤子砸烂了海水过滤器,又在船身上凿了个洞。In his rage, he smashed the sea strainers with a hammer and drilled the hole to sink the vessel, " the affidavit said.

证词说,验尸官向警方表示,杰克逊可能死于致死剂量的异丙酚。The affidavit said the coroner had told police that Mr. Jackson's death was likely due to 'lethal levels' of propofol.

那很明显让帕内尔的团队对到底为何律师取回黑瑟尔的证词感兴趣。That of course made Peace's legal team interested in knowing why, exactly, the lawyers withdrew Heisel's original affidavit.