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基督教娄鞋可以装饰你漂亮的脚。Beautiful shoes can hade your feet.

正像我们所预料的那样,这个男孩取得了大的进步。The boy has as much progress as we hade XPected.

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公司已经找到了愿意购买其仓库的买主。The company hade find a purchaser for its warehouse.

同时,病患有轻度的忧郁,症状困扰亦属轻度。Subjects also hade mild depression and syndrome distress.

我们听到雷声就快回房间吃晚饭。回房,我们洗澡,准备睡觉。We heard the thunder, and when we went back we hade showers and got ready to sleep.

让我们渡过这条河,坐到树荫下。美国将军杰克逊。Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees. American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson.

今天我们给球迷了一个向你提问的机会,我们从世界各地收到了很多邮件。We gave the fans an opportunity to ask you a question today and hade had e-mails in from all over the world.

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但是,警察发现了我的事情并且告诉了我的老板,由于炸毁了一些当局大楼我曾经坐过牢。However, the police found out and told my boss that I hade been in prison for blowing up government buildings.

哈得4油田位于塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷北部的哈得逊构造带。Hade 4 oil field is located in the Hadexun structural zone in the north of the Manjia'er depression, the Tarim Basin.

哈德4油田开发初期地层压力较高,大部分油井均能自喷生产。The formation pressure is high in Hade oil field in which most wells are in flowing production at early stage of development.

塔里木哈得薄砂层油藏双层、超深、超薄、储量丰度特低,被评价为边际油藏。Tarim's Hade thin-sand reservoir which is named margin reservoir is a double-layer, super-deep, super-thin, super-low-abundance reservoir.

这一纸划时代的宣言犹如一座充满希望之光的灯塔,为数百万深陷非公正待遇之苦海的黑奴们照亮了前程。This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who hade been seared in the flames of withering injustice.

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配合使用引导浆和隔离液以及其他固井技术措施,该套固井水泥浆在哈德油田得到了很好的应用,固井质量为优质。Incorporated with pre-flush fluid and spacer fluid, the cement slurry system was successful in Hade oilfield, and the cementing quality was excellent.

至1645年荷兰已有6所著名的大学,在荷兰最早出现定期刊物,报纸也逐渐普及,科学技术十分发达。Up to 1645 , 6 famous universities hade been established in holland . and then the earliest periodicals and newspapers were becoming more and more popular.

丰山铜矿南缘矿带原设计采用无底村分段崩落法开采,经多年生产实践表明该法存在很多问题。Many years of production practice hade revealed some problems with the original sublevel caving system in the southern mineralized zone of Fengshan Copper Mine.

超重界值点比肥胖有更高灵敏度,而肥胖的界值点具有良好的特异度。Cut-offs of overweight gave better sensitivity than that of the obesity, whereas the specificity of the obesity cut-offs of obesity hade much higher specificity.

这些兵学理念中的诸多大战略思想、战争艺术与将道的要求,皆使得春秋时代成为了我国战略发展史上一个承先启后的重要时期。The concept of grand strategy, art of war, and the demand for generalship hade establish Chun Chiu period one of the most innovative era in the strategic history.

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哈得4-11水平井属于塔里木油田哈得作业区典型的因上部套管破损漏失造成的小井眼超长井段沉砂卡钻井。Hade 4-11 well is a typical drill pipe sticking well of slim-hole and super long interval caused by damaged case to leak in Hade operation district of Tarim oilfield.

中国人疏散达赖喇嘛,以青海高原,他哈得有限权利的举动,可能是为了阻止他有接触,与英国占用。The Chinese evacuated Dalai Lama to the Qinghai plateau where he hade limited rights of move, probably for preventing him from having contacts with the British occupants.

我甚至想,或许一年前的那一次成功太不扎实,因而我不如按照最早的计划一步一步地走,或许结果会比现实好。I even thought that maybe the success one year before hade been so instable that achieving my early plan step by step would have caused a better result. However, reality is right reality.