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我学了一首新歌。I learnt a new song.

她已经学习一支歌。She's learnt a song.

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你们都记住了吗Tell me what you learnt?

他很快学会做算术题了。He quickly learnt to do sums.

我们已得知发生了什么。We have learnt what happened.

你的台词背熟了吗?。Have you learnt your part yet?

你的台词背熟了吗?Have you learnt your lines yet?

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他几乎没有学多地理。He learnt next to no geography.

他在真冰上学滑冰。He learnt to skate on real ice.

你从2005年学到了什么?What have you learnt from 2005?

我真的领略了它的价值。Indeed I have learnt that value.

什么时候会习得第二语言?When is a second language learnt?

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在那里他们学会了盖房子。There they learnt to build houses.

你曾经听说过雷锋吗?Have you ever learnt about Leifeng?

我们从雷锋那里学到了很多东西。We have learnt a lot from Lei Feng.

你学过英语歌吗?Have you learnt some English songs ?

我在大学器学的都是废物。All I have learnt in college is junk.

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可是,她要是永远不会说话又会怎样?But what if she never learnt to talk?

对此,他确实要去学习掌握。It is really something he has learnt.

新中国海军转而学习苏联。China learnt from Soviet Navy instead.