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这个领口的钩子怎么也解不开。The collar wouldn't unhook.

哦!你什么时候解开的?Oh! When did you unhook this?

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那么他们什么时候才会把你从这东西中解脱出来?So when are they coming to unhook you from this thing?

话筒太高了,小孩没法拿到。The receiver was too high for the little boy to unhook.

他又试了一次,要把井上的铁链取下来,但是他气力不济。He tried again to unhook the chain of the well, and could not.

有的时候你把一条小鱼放在陆地上,你很小心地把他放下。Sometimes you land a small fish. You unhook him very carefully.

当你捕捉的对象,只需触摸对象脱钩了。When you catch an object, simply touch the object to unhook it.

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这之后,神舟八号将再次与天宫脱离,这次是永久脱离。When that time is up, Shenzhou 8 will unhook itself again, this time for good.

有时候你抓到一条小鱼,你取下它然后放回水里。Sometimes you land a small fish, you unhook him and place him back in the water.

在类别中实作时,指示引擎,从事件处理常式取消连结事件来源。When implemented in a class, directs the engine to unhook event sources from event handlers.

她声称,卡恩试图脱下她的内衣,两人在他公寓的地板上扭打。She claims the pair of them wrestled on the floor of his apartment as he tried to unhook her bra.

该工作推动了某些原子,将它们从墙上释放并进入运动。It is evidently to mobilize certain of these atoms, to unhook them from the wall and put them in swing.

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由于要使用协作而却要去除一个主要处理路径,这看起来是一种浪费,所以记得重用是这里的关键。While it might seem a waste of effort to use a collaboration and then unhook one of the main processing paths, remember that reuse is the key here.

介绍将计算机应用在动态轨道衡上,实现对列车的不停车、不摘钩连续动态自动称重计量。The computer system is applied in dynamic railroad track scales to realize continuous automatic weighing meter for train without parking and unhook.

我以为会有个正常的生日宴会,但是朋友们的计划是把蛋糕拍在我脸上然后拽掉了我的裙子,全程有人录像,地点在一家大商场。But instead of a decent surprise, my friends decided to smash a cake on my face and unhook my dress, while taking a video of it. In a public shopping mall.

有观点认为,互联网是一种虚拟世界并且与现实生活泾渭分明,互联网是与现实社会脱钩的“世外桃源”。The viewpoint thinks, internet is a kind of fictitious world and with real life entirely different, internet is with actual society unhook " a haven of peace ".

范老师关了电脑,看着男孩把手伸进女孩的汗衫里摸弄着,也许他想解开她碍事的胸罩。Teacher Fei logged off the computer and watched the boy sneak a hand under the girl’s sweater and wiggle it around, perhaps trying to unhook her troublesome bra.

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机会敲了太多次门,可每到那时,等你把门链解下,把门扒开,打开两把锁,关掉防盗铃之后,一切都太晚了。Too often, the opportunity knocks, but by the time you push back the chain, push back the bolt , unhook the two locks and shut off the burglar alarm, it's too late.