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变量描述符?。VD? Variable Descriptor?

可变数据区?。VDA? Variable Data Area?

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可变延迟线路?。VDL? Variable Delay Line?

变量匹配器?。VMU? Variable Match Unit?

变速铣头。Variable speed mill head.

可变速率编码?。VRC? Variable Rate Coding?

这是一易变的种。This is a variable species.

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数据是否是一个变量名?Is the data a variable name?

他们可以逐渐被改变吗?Are they continuously variable?

取得这个变数的属性旗标。Gets the name of this variable.

哼,乌鸦变凤凰?Hum, the crow variable phoenix?

这使得它成为了一个局部变量。This makes it a local variable.

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可变长度译码器?。VLD? Variable – Length Decoder?

可变转移地址?。VTA? Variable Transfer Address?

变速功率饲料表。Variable speed power feed table.

你把它存储在一个变量里。You got to store it in a variable.

那么,这个变量的类型是什么?Now, what type of variable is this?

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尽量用有意义的变量名字。Use variable names that make sense.

变量名必须是骆驼方式的。Variable names must be camel-cased.

酒桌上的朋友多变化。A table friend is a variable friend.