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他为什么要放走在敦克尔克的英国部队?Why did he let the British army go at Dunkirk?

他们乘船回英国从敦刻尔克法国小镇。They sailed back to Britain from the French town of Dunkirk.

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这张照片显示了敦刻尔克撤退的复杂程度。This picture shows how complex the evacuation from Dunkirk could be.

第二次世界大战时期,我叔叔正在敦刻尔克,他说那时处境的确非常困难。During World War II my uncle was at Dunkirk and he says it was certainly no picnic.

到5月25日,英军被迫拥挤着后退,从敦刻尔克撤出欧洲大陆。By May 25, the British army was pushed back and driven off the continent at Dunkirk.

这张照片显示盟军准备从敦刻尔克的滩头撤退。This picture shows Allied troops waiting for evacuation from the beaches at Dunkirk.

当坦克在阿拉西战斗时,英军开始向北部的敦刻尔克撤退。With their tank attack stalled at Arras, the British began to withdraw north towards Dunkirk.

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关于英国和法国军队从敦刻尔克撤退,已有翔实而完善的记载。Accurate and excellent accounts have been written of the evacuation of the British and French armies from Dunkirk.

本周,法国渔民们堵塞了敦刻尔克的港口,而英国的卡车司机们则挤满了伦敦和加的夫的公路。This week French fishermen clogged up the port of Dunkirk and British lorry-drivers choked roads into London and Cardiff.

本文重点探讨了敦刻尔克条约的缘起及相应时期英国外交政策变化状况并尝试对敦刻尔克条约的战略意图做出评估。This thesis discusses the origins of the Treaty of Dunkirk and the changing conditions of British foreign policy in this period.

数以百计的小型船只从英国海岸的港口出发,去往法国的敦克尔克海岸,把士兵们接回来。Hundreds of small boats set out from ports on the English coast to bring back the soldiers from the beaches of Dunkirk in France.

我弄到了很多事件的一手资料,监狱的状况,敦克尔克大撤退,所有的事。I got first-hand accounts of all the events I didn't personally witness, the conditions in prison, the evacuation to Dunkirk , everything.

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如果说二战中敦刻尔克大撤退是一次奇迹,那么,这样的“奇迹”在中国春运期,每天都在默默发生。If the Dunkirk retreat in the WW2 is a miracle, then this kind of miracle is happening everyday in the spring festival transportation period.

在这几十年英国的二战纪念仪式和新闻报道中——从敦克尔克大撤退到诺曼底登陆——从来没有对战争之源有过任何怀疑。Through decades of British commemorations and coverage of the second world war – from Dunkirk to D-day – there has never been any doubt about who started it.

接下来的一周,德国陆军包围了敦刻尔克的外围,但是仍然没有阻止超过30万的英军,法军和比利时军逃脱。Over the next week the German Army closed in on the Dunkirk perimeter, but it was unable to prevent more than 300,000 British, French and Belgian troops escaping.

这张照片显示载满英国士兵的船只从敦刻尔克撤退后安全抵达多佛。可以看出船内拥挤不堪。This picture shows one shipload of British soldiers reaching safety at Dover after being evacuated from Dunkirk and shows just how tightly packed the rescue ships were.

德国人以一种小型的敦刻尔刻大撤退的形式,成功地把6万兵力从西西里部署到意大利大陆,而其他的德国师团也开始南下。The Germans had managed to move 60,000 soldiers from Sicily to mainland Italy in a sort of smaller Dunkirk , and other German divisions began to come down from the north.

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但是,英国老百姓更喜欢称之为“复仇军”——他们将沿着当年“敦刻尔克大撤退”的原路打回去!But the masses of the British people preferred calling it "a revenge force". Its objective was to fight its way back to the continent along the exact retreating route of Dunkirk.