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以正念明觉,为佛陀的法的继承人。The Buddha's heir, aware and mindful.

接着,比丘,是怎样的比丘心理呢?And how, bhikkhus, is a bhikkhu mindful?

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让我们惦记着那些拥有的比我们少的人们。Let's be mindful of those who have less.

因此是的,我注意到了失衡问题。So yes, I was mindful of the imbalances.

我们时刻都火烛小心。WE are always mindful of the danger of fire.

谁留心那些不光彩的死亡。For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead.

尊贵的希罗蒂,我们可不能怠慢了客人。Noble Herodias we are not mindful of our guests.

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你母亲自为王后,老是惦念着她的职责`。The queen your mother was always mindful of her duty.

这些形容词意为对某件事很留心或很注意。These adjectives mean mindful or heedful of something.

小心地滑“变成”小心多汁的表面“!Slippery When Wet! was Be Mindful of the Juicy Surfaces!

当你眷顾的时候你将和宇宙保持平衡。When you are mindful you are in balance with the universe.

因为我们知道正念的进食有助于拯救我们的地球。Because we know that mindful eating can help save our planet.

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“我的餐盘”计划怎么和重视饮食观念一致呢?How does MyPlate fall in line with the idea of mindful eating?

结果是,正念的夫妇有更令人满意的婚姻关系。As a result, mindful couples have more satisfying relationships.

慎重对待你的消费选择,切记你的优先级。Be mindful of your consumption choices and remember your priorities.

如果你能同时注意给好友留出私人空间,那就再完美不过了。So it’s crucial that you’re also mindful to give your friends space.

我们要有优患意识,始终保持清醒的头脑。We must be fully mindful of potential dangeous and keep a cool head.

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租用大厦的商户们很注意他们的能源消耗。Commercial tenants in the building are mindful of their energy costs.

正念的人可以听到负面的回馈而不感到遭受威胁。Mindful people can hear negative feedback without feeling threatened.

这就是任一种冥想的美妙之处,这就是任一种冥想的美妙之处。That's one of the beauties of any of this kind of mindful meditation.