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什么是同义现象?What is synonymy?

一部常用同义词辨析词典。A very practical synonymy dictionary.

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同义现象指的是语义的相同或相近。Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning.

同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship.

摘要同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship.

复述研究的对象主要是短语或者句子的同义现象。The study of paraphrase is about the synonymy phenomena of phrases or sentences.

现代汉语中同义句式的大量存在,但没有形成系统。There are lots of synonymy sentence-type which never been formed as a system in modern Chinese.

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第三章从词义的角度出发,将同形词分为同形同义词和同形异义词。In the third chapter, identical words have been divided into synonymy and homograph from semanteme.

汉语语音和语义之间的关系有多种,“音同义通”只是其中的一种。Homophonic synonymy" is one of the varied relationships between sound and sense in the Chinese language."

按照这种划分来建构现代汉语同义修辞的学科体系,是完全可行的。It is completely feasible to construct modern Chinese synonymy rhetoric system according as the division.

两个或多个同物异名的每一个,其同物异名关系仅为个人的观点,亦即并非主观的。Each of two or more names whose synonymy is only a matter of individual opinion, i. e. it is not objective.

同义关系句在语篇分析中是一个重要内容。Transformational synonymy and lexical synonymy show important synonymous relationships in discourse analysis.

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同义现象指的是语义的相同或相近。词义相近的词叫同义词。Synonymy refers to the sameness or close similarity of meaning. Words that are close in meaning are called synonyms.

它通过对大量文本集进行统计分析,消除同义词和多义词影响,提高了文本分类处理的精度。LSA can enhance the accuracy of classifying text by statistical computations of large number of text corpus and remove the influences of synonymy and polysemy.

应当重新审视“音同义通”在汉语研究中的作用,既要重视之,亦不宜过于夸大之。Thus, attention needs to be paid to re-investigation of the function of "homophonic synonymy" in Chinese study, which is worth enough concern but not over-exaggeration.

这些方面的落实将深化汉语词汇同义性和多义性的研究,有利于打破汉语词汇语义研究旧的格局。Implementation of these aspects will deepen research of synonymy and polysemy in Chinese and change the old patterns of lexical semantic studies of contemporary Chinese.

对于“同义关系”的研究不能只限于“同义词”的研究,因为同义关系不仅表现在词与词之间,而且还表现在句与句之间。Translators cannot center only on synonyms when analyzing the connections between tow words, because synonymy does not only embody relations between words, but also sentences.

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利用潜在语义分析进行特征抽取,消除多义词和同义词在文本表示时造成的偏差,并实现文本向量的降维。Using latent semantic analysis to extract feature, the affect of synonymy and polysemy in text representation process is eliminated and the dimension of text vector is reduced.

虽然统计MT方法减轻的情况下,采取的同义因素考虑在内,它永远不会有助于判断同一个词在不同情况下的不同含义。Though statistical MT approach alleviates the situation by taking the synonymy factor into account, it never helps to judge the different meanings of the same word in varied context.

其次分别从批改算法、标准答案的表示、同义词库、信息反馈四个方面着手进行研究。Then, the electronic homework auto-checking system is studied from four aspects such that checking algorithm, expression of standard answers, synonymy word base and information feedback.