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咖喱鸡饭非常可口。The chicken curried with rice is very good.

“这是一个咖喱龙虾沙拉,”维多利亚说。"It's a curried lobster salad, " Victoria said.

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我们有咖喱鸡饭和红烧牛肉面。We have Curried Chicken with Rice and Stewed Beef with Noodle.

鸡蛋葱豆饭是一碟咖喱米饭,里面有鱼片,欧芹,煮鸡蛋。Kedgeree is a dish of curried rice, flaked fish, parsley and boiled eggs.

义工们准备好了食物——薄煎饼、咖喱杂碎和米饼。Volunteers prepared the meals – chapattis, curried mince and rice pudding.

福图纳经常向其肥硕的主人送礼,谄媚他。Fortuna often curried favor with his bloated master by presenting him with gifts.

为了抵消那些传统的忠贞不渝,他谄媚般慷慨的提供了很多内阁职位。To offset weak traditional loyalties, he has curried favour by lavish ministerial appointments.

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曾经他一呼百诺,党内异议者痛遭围剿,想分享权利与利益者钻营不已。Those hoping to share power and partake in the spoils curried his favor. Now he has fallen from grace.

当被问及是否会限制生产某种口味的饮料时,斯托克表示,他坚决反对生产咖喱鸡口味的饮料。Asked if there were any flavors that were off limits, van Stolk said he put his foot down when it came to curried chicken flavor.

可用于焖炖鱼、虾、牛肉、牛排、鸡等肉制品,还可做其它咖喱味的食品。It can be used for stewing or braizing of fish, shrimp, beef, steak and chicken etc, and can also be made into other curried food.

何鸿燊目前任全国政协常委,他经常斥巨资购得中国流失海外的艺术珍品,并捐赠给中国,他也因此颇得中国政府的好感。He was appointed to China's highest political advisory body and curried favor through spending lavishly to repatriate national art treasures.

2006年6月6日围堰爆破结束后,监测结果表明没有鱼类因围堰爆破而受到损伤或死亡的情况,标志着此次鱼类保护工作取得了圆满成功。The plan was curried oat smoothly in June 6, 2006. The monitor data show that no fish were hurt. The facts show that it was a success fish protective measure.

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方法回顾性分析我科1998-2003年间经鼻内镜术治疗的20例非侵袭性鼻窦真菌病的临床资料。Methods A retrospective study was curried out among 20 cases with non-invasive mycosis in paranasal sinuses, treated with ESS in our Hospital from 1998 to 2003.

以十二烷醇为萃取剂,对以海藻酸钠和聚乙烯醇混合载体固定化酒精酵母乙醇发酵进行了研究。Study on the alcoholic fermentation using dodecanol as the extractive agent by immobilized yeast with alginic acid and polyvinyl alcohol as the mixed carrier was curried out.

这种体验令人愉悦地沉溺其中,感觉就像在某个异国城市迷失片刻,然后在看到一个熟悉的地标时又重获方向。Poached pears in curried cream. It was pleasantly disorienting, like being momentarily lost in a foreign city and regaining one's bearings at the sight of a familiar landmark.

苏门答腊岛的美食,例如,往往显示其中东和印度的影响力,包括咖喱肉和蔬菜,而爪哇菜较为自行研制。Sumatran cuisine, for example, often shows its Middle Eastern and Indian influence, featuring curried meat and vegetables, while Javanese cuisine is rather more indigenously developed.

李宗仁将军在北平联络了北方将领,同时为博得美国的欢心,摆出一副开明姿态,保护知识分子和学生免受蒋家宪兵的迫害。General Li, in Peiping , cultivated the northern generals and also curried United States favor, adopting a liberal coloring and protecting intellectuals and students from Chiang's gendarmes.