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再三道歉。Apologize repeatedly.

做事老有反复。Do things have repeatedly old.

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说谎老是被抓包。同前。Has been caught in lies repeatedly.

他不时对手表瞥上一眼。He glanced repeatedly at his watch.

我们会重复讨论这一点。And we'll talk about that repeatedly.

因为尖刀连是他的家。Because dagger is his home repeatedly.

正如此报再三所提。As this newspaper has repeatedly argued.

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地坛医院的代理人反复强调。Ditan hospital agent repeatedly stressed.

他屡受操纵,遭受背叛。He is repeatedly manipulated and betrayed.

正如莎丽对我一再强调的,她是一个明星。As Sally repeatedly told me, she is a star.

苏萨本人则反复宣称,自己是无罪的。He has repeatedly proclaimed his innocence.

这种铅条可以融化再重复使用。The lead was melted and re-used repeatedly.

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他的家和汽车总是被小偷盯上。His home and car were repeatedly burglarized.

限定你要做的事,反复的做。Narrow down what you do, and do it repeatedly.

但是,●陈不间断地●试探布什的耐心底线。However, Chen repeatedly tried Bush's patience.

赖爷连连答应,要看鹬蚌相争。Lai I repeatedly promise, want to see the play.

这样反复地积,反复地落,雪松完好无损。This plot again, repeatedly fall, cedar intact.

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在我们的采访过程中,伍先生的电话一直在响。During our interview, his phone rang repeatedly.

他一而再,再而三地嘲弄他们犯的错误。He jibed repeatedly at the errors they had made.

回家路上,鸿渐再三代母亲道歉。Hung-chien repeatedly apologized for his mother.