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白杨树的树叶转变为秋天的颜色。An aspen leaf turning fall colors.

买苏木江·阿斯木说。Sum to buy the Aspen wood Jiang said.

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白杨树林往往是一个很大的有机体。Aspen groves are often one large organism

买苏木江·阿斯木急切地建议。Jiang sum to buy urgently recommended Aspen wood.

黄色白杨树叶明亮地反映了即将离去的早晨太阳。Yellow aspen leaves reflect brightly off the morning sun.

你一个人去吗?是的,但我要在奥斯本会朋友。Are you going alone? Yes, but I'm seeing friends in Aspen.

在科罗拉多州圣埃尔莫附近的山杨林里所观察的景点。The view looking up in an aspen grove near St. Elmo, Colorado

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树林已经变得稀薄,增加了白杨树的再生。The trees had been thinned to increase aspen tree regeneration.

树木。木节眼凝视从这些北美洲白杨树的树皮中迸出。Knots peer out from the bark of these North American aspen trees.

自己来看看吧-体验山杨市滑雪旺季前的视觉畅游。Check it out for yourself -take a video tour of Aspen pre-ski season.

很快,我知道阿斯彭大约有50个投资者受骗了。Soon I knew of approximately 50 investors in Aspen who had been stung.

最好的笼内垫材是在是松树或杨木刨花木屑。The best products for in cage bedding are pine or aspen wood shavings.

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概括介绍了这款软件的功能和使用方法。The main function and using of Aspen Plus are presumptively introduced.

这项研究任务是在合同的制约下完成的,这份合同是跟阿斯彭信息管理公司和贝尔直升飞机公司签定的。This work was done under contract to Aspen Systems and Bell Helicopter.

采用汽蒸爆破法制杨木高得率浆。Steam explosion pulping process was used in producing aspen high yield pulps.

阿斯彭气凝胶公司是美国航空航天管理局下属的一家公司,该公司一直致力于把气凝胶推向市场。Aspen Aerogels is a NASA spin-off dedicated to bringing aerogel to the market.

想想最近与艾斯本机构与朝鲜在德国的会谈。Consider the recent Aspen Institute meeting with the North Koreans in Germany.

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小林子静悄悄的,一点风也没有,连白杨的叶子也无精打采地垂下头来。So quiet the grove was, so still the air, that even the aspen leaves hung LIMP.

小林子静悄悄的,一点风也没有,连白扬的叶子也无精打采地垂下头来。So quiet the grove was, so still the air, that even the aspen leaves hung limp.

左边是河狸,右边是溪流、山杨、赤杨和柳树。Here is the beaver. And here is the stream, and the aspen and the alder and the willow.