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真是鬼话连篇!What a pack of lies!

狼群是什么?What is a wolf pack?

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你们这一堆傻瓜蛋!What a pack of boobies!

你包裹里需要带上些什么东西?What do you need to pack?

然后,我收拾我的书包。Then, I pack my schoolbag.

远足时要轻装上阵。When traveling, pack light.

他什么时候收拾他的行李包?。When will he pack his bags?

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我忘了打包我的洗发精。I forgot to pack my shampoo.

她有一副鬼精灵的纸牌。With a wicked pack of cards.

他明天收拾他的行李包。He'll pack his bags tomorrow.

呃,一群熊!一群跳蚤?Pack of bears? Pack of fleas?

这些书容易包。These books are easy to pack.

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好了,你们可以All right, now you can pack up

地球的洞,把我装进去。Hole In the earth , pack me up.

把书装在木箱中。Pack the books in a wooden box.

安装语言包。The language pack is installed.

这些小盒子装运很方便。These small boxes will pack well.

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他把这包香烟装入口袋中。He pouched the pack of cigarettes.

请给我来一罐“骆驼”烟丝。I want to get a pack of " camel ."

把书装到大箱子里。Pack the books into the big boxes.