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伊斯帕罕伊朗中部一城市,在续墨兰以南。A city of central Iran south of Tehran.

我们的记者从德黑兰发回报道。Our correspondent in Tehran Lyse Doucet.

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约翰林从德黑兰发回最新报道。John Lyne has the latest from the Tehran.

现在德黑兰已经被厚厚的雾覆盖住了。There's a mist covering Tehran right now.

三国峰会在德黑兰举行。The tri-partite summit was held in Tehran.

三国峰会在德黑兰举行。The tri- partite summit was held in Tehran.

瓦希德是典型的德黑兰消费者。Vahid is typical of young Tehran consumers.

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德黑兰的那个暴政残忍地对待它自己的人民。The tyranny in Tehran brutalises its own people.

Derakhshan是于3个星期前返回德黑兰的。Derakhshan had returned to Tehran three weeks ago.

德黑兰坚持表示国际原子能机构的指控纯属捏造。Tehran insists the agency’s allegations are fabricated.

他说,德黑兰也许已做好重返谈判桌的准备。He said Tehran might be ready to return to negotiations.

她说,有时候她会想象在德黑兰的一场地震。She said sometimes she imagines an earthquake in Tehran.

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塞尔维亚人说,现在这里的清真寺比德黑兰的还要多。More mosques are in it now, say the Serbs, than in Tehran.

设拉子伊朗中西南部一城市,在德黑兰西南偏南。A city of southwest-central Iran south-southeast of Tehran.

德黑兰也异口同声的认为以色列已被“破坏”。crowds in Tehran chorused that Israel had been “destroyed”.

“德黑兰开了一个很有趣的玩笑,”她嗓音哽噎地说。"Tehran was a good joke, " she says, through a choked throat.

同时也是在试图对德黑兰的决定施加影响。It also seeks to influence the decisions being made in Tehran.

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穆萨维的支持者周日在德黑兰高呼口号。Mousavi shouted slogans in Tehran Sunday as one person read Mr.

从那时起,德黑兰就坚持说铀浓缩是不可谈的问题。Since then, Tehran had insisted that enrichment was non-negotiable.

在德黑兰,两位高僧向外注视着一群示威者。LOS ANGELES — Two mullahs gaze out on a crowd of protesters in Tehran.