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一个月过去了。A month passes.

我一个月前见过她。I met her a month ago.

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我们打算花一个月的时间。We would take a month.

个月没动静。No movement in a month.

出生六个月时的照片。Candie was six month old.

预付定金是多少?How much is it per month?

我一个月以前去过那里。I went there a month ago.

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老人家是上个月搬进来的。She moved in a month ago.

想要在一个月之内减掉两磅体重么?Want to lose 2lb a month?

4月气候宜人。April is a pleasant month.

一个月已经过去了。One month is already gone.

而在那之前一个月是72天。The month before that, 72.

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你的意思是每个月50万。You mean 500000 per month.

他在这儿住了一个月。He abided here for a month.

他每月汇款回家。He remits home every month.

这个月是几月份?Unit16 Whick month is this?

不到一个月,他就把新鞋穿坏了。He his new shoes in a month.

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指甲每月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

这个月产量增长了。Production is up this month.