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就傻傻地活在爱当中。Be foolishly in love.

他傻头傻脑地向屋里张望。He peeped into the room foolishly.

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他开始叫喊起来,呆头呆脑地咒骂着。He began to cry and swear foolishly.

他愚蠢地沿习着旧习俗。He is foolishly attached to old customs.

唠叨愚蠢地闲聊或叨唠以说出或表达…To utter or express by chattering foolishly or babbling.

在人生之路上,有时我们会愚蠢地步入危险的境地,全然不知前方是什么情况。But sometimes we foolishly wade into dangerous situations.

人们讪笑她,由于她常说傻话。People make fun of her because she always speaks foolishly.

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人们嘲笑她,因为她常说傻话…词形变化。people make fun of her because she always speaks foolishly.

我知道有些人追寻虚浮的快乐。I know there are some people who want to be foolishly happy.

枉自学聪明,却做愚蠢事。This altogether vain to learn wisdom and yet live foolishly.

枉自己好好复习智慧,却做愚蠢事。Tis alby oneself vain to learn wisdom or yet live foolishly.

情像水向东逝去,痴心枉倾注。Love looks like water passing east, foolishly poured in vain.

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让他们幸福成功,让我们呆傻无用。Let them be happy and prosper, and let me be foolishly futile.

不懂装懂的意见只会让一个人听上去愚蠢而自大。Unqualified opinions just make a person sound foolishly arrogant.

而是明明只是虚情假意,却傻傻地以为你爱我。But is is just hypocrisy clearly, but foolishly think you love me.

壆者愚蠢的把壆校的冷却池当成游泳池。The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pond for swimming pool.

学者愚蠢地将学校的冷却池当成了游泳池。The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pool for swimming pool.

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假如你这样瞎胡闹,就应该准备自食其果。If you behave so foolishly you must be ready to take the consequences.

学者愚蠢的把学校的冷却池当成游泳池。The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pool for swimming pool.

壆者愚蠢的把壆校的冷却池当成游泳池。The savant foolishly took the school cooling pool because swimming pond.