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如果你走得快的话。If you walk quickly.

时间不慢,它很快。Time passes quickly.

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你能尽快赶来吗?Can you come quickly?

大家好,只说几句。Hi everyone. Quickly.

快点浦头哦!Quickly pump head Oh!

饼干烘得很快。Biscuits bake quickly.

速去速回。Go and return quickly.

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好的,快回去吧!Good, quickly go back!

他正飞快地跑着。He is running quickly.

一个钟好快过去咗。An hour passed quickly.

你快点穿衣服…Dress yourself quickly.

快上公共汽车!Get on the bus quickly.

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高飞飞快地跑了出去.Gofer runs out quickly.

请快点套马具。Please tack up quickly.

河水流得快。The river runs quickly.

能够迅速开展工作。Ability to work QUICKLY.

他快速地划向岸边。He quickly rowed ashore.

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开恩就是死的痛快点。Mercy is to die quickly.

则消失得很快They clear very quickly.

这肉熟得快。This meat cooks quickly.