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岛和平统一的日子不会很远了。Island of peaceful reunification days not very far.

和平统一,远胜过黄金和彩虹的辉耀。A peaceful reunification is greater than having gold.

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和平统一的祝福,如彩虹般辉耀。A peaceful reunification is greater than gold and rainbow.

科特迪瓦坚定地支持中国的统一大业。Cote d'Ivoire staunchly supports China's reunification cause.

台湾前途系于祖国统一。Taiwan's future hinges on the reunification of the motherland.

祖国统一,国泰民安。Reunification of the motherland, peaceful country and safe people.

1922年,青岛主权回归后,亦称京山。In 1922, after the reunification of Qingdao, also known as Jingshan.

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爱尔兰政府寻求和平统一的政策。Irish governments have sought the peaceful reunification of Ireland.

但是美元统一或食利者的统一战争,是必然出现。But the dollar's unity or reunification of the rentier war is inevitable.

对,诺基亚的统一制服,然后看看我卖货的情况。Nokia's reunification uniforms, and then I look at the sellers situation.

祖国统一大业取得新进展。Fresh progress has been made in the great cause of national reunification.

“统一大业一载有余了。”他先一愣,然后说道。" Reunification contained more than. " He is the first one, and then said.

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所以,现在美国人所有的目标必然是食利者统一的战争。So, now that all Americans must be the goal of reunification of the rentier war.

祖国统一是大势所趋,不可阻挡。The reunification of the Chinese nation is a general trend which cannot be blocked.

威廉王子五百万英磅修豪宅即将继承“大统”?Prince William will inherit5 million pound sterling repair houses" big reunification"?

柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示着德国的重新统一。The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.

终于在公元六六年由花郎道领袖统一整个朝鲜半岛。Finally in 2066 AD Hwarang Road, leaders from the entire Korean peninsula reunification.

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17世纪初,德川家康的重新统一还比较脆弱。In the early 1600s, Ieyasu’s political reunification of Japan was still a fragile thing.

国家以最大的诚意,尽最大的努力,实现和平统一。The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification.

中国任何一届政府都不会放弃和平统一祖国的立场。No Chinese government will abandon the position of peaceful reunification on this question.