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池塘边长了一圈树。Trees rimmed the pool.

把面包放入有边的烤盘中。Place bread on a rimmed baking sheet.

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各种野花和野草环绕着这个小池塘。Wild flowers and grasses rimmed the little pond.

成为一个良好的冰鲜鸡尾酒玻璃镶边与盐。Into a well-chilled cocktail glass rimmed with salt.

同时,将红鲷鱼肉放在一个有边的烤盘中。Meanwhile, place snapper fillets on a rimmed baking sheet.

金边眼镜深深嵌入他的鼻梁。Gold rimmed spectacles bit deep into the bridge of his nose.

而且以自然铁为核心并包裹于方铁矿中,两者形成圆球形态。The grains of native iron are in globular form rimmed by wustite.

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她的脸与白衣的肩膀被月光镀上一道蓝边。Her face and white-clad shoulders were blue- rimmed with moonlight.

高尔夫球在穴边打了一会儿转,最后落进洞内。The golf ball rimmed the cup for a while and fell at last into the hole.

接着第四节开始后又再19英尺处跳射得手。He hit his first shot of the fourth quarter before a 19 -footer rimmed out.

因其叶片中间为绿色,叶缘呈红色,故有“绿叶红镶边”之称。The middle of their green leaf, red leaf margin, it is "green red rimmed" known.

好的,那是一副色角质镜框女用眼镜,蓝色镜片。Yes, they are a pair of brown ladies horn rimmed glasses with blur tinted lenses.

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它的海岸可能被冰川所围绕,冰雪覆盖着大片的海域。The coasts would be rimmed by glaciers, and portions of the ocean would be ice-covered.

太行山、太岳山、中条山的中间,有一个脚盆,就是上党区。The Shangtang area, rimmed by the Taihang, Taiyueh and Chungtiao Mountains, is like a tub.

螺旋状的柠檬皮挂于杯口,仅在杯口部位沾一圈糖。Lemon zest sprayed, rimmed and dropped in or Half sugar rim, on the outside of the glass only.

金丝里安的药是做什么的啊?怎么市面上各大药店没得卖?。Gold- rimmed li of installed drug be what do ah? How are each big on market must drugstore sell?

用叉子在甘薯上刺洞,用铝箔包裹,放置在烤单边缘。Prick potatoes all over with fork, wrap each in aluminum foil, and place on rimmed baking sheet.

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爱尔兰一直以来都被比做是一个由石灰石高原被沿海高低装边而成的盆子。Ireland has been compared to a basin in which a limestone plateau is rimmed by coastal highlands.

我们用米色眼线笔,用咖啡色眼线笔画睫毛线。We rimmed the inside of the eye with a beige pencil and lined lashlines with a coffee-color pencil.

照片上方被灯火镶边的黑暗区域是法属科西嘉岛。The French-held island of Corsica appears as a dark mass rimmed with light near the top of the frame.