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与WTO的一致性还必须获得实质性的保证。WTO-consistency had to be secured substantively as well.

气候预测的精度也将大大提高。The skill of climate prediction would he improved substantively.

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普遍价值在形式和内容上都与“普世价值”有根本区别。The universal value substantively differs from the general world values in both form and content.

在数量增长的同时,我国对外贸易质量也有了质的飞跃。While achieving quantitative growth, we have also improved substantively the quality of foreign trade.

实质上他们什麽也未改变,但技术上,他们已遵照中国法律。Substantively they've changed nothing, but technically they have come into compliance with Chinese law.

我们必须首先降低核弹头在我们心目中的价值,才能大量削减地面部署的核弹头数量。Before we can substantively reduce warheads on the ground, we must first reduce their value in our minds.

现在,我们的任务在质疑究竟沙特在原油市场上能产生多少实质性的长期影响。Our mission now questions how much the Saudis can now substantively influence the crude markets over the long term.

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但是我们怎么确保人人言之有物?这应该由谁判断?But how can one ensure that all the speakers talk substantively and constructively, and who is to judge whether they do?

但是,这样的审查收效甚微,而且实际上对于那些最为“危险”思想的访问也未能严格限制住。However, such censorship is ineffectual and fails to substantively restrict access to even the most "threatening" ideas.

学生将被要求分析多个段落,以确保它们在与法上和内容上是正确的。Students will be asked to analyze sequences of paragraphs to make sure they are correct, grammatically and substantively.

我想这将会是一次我们谈论如何可以将实质上将美国人民议程提前的会议。This is gonna be a meeting in which I want us to talk substantively about how we can move the American people's agenda forward.

CNTF受体在神经系统和骨骼肌中广泛存在,在运动神经系统以及与运动系统有关的部位大量表达。CNTF receptor is present in neurons and skeletal muscles widely and is expressed substantively in motor nervous system and related parts.

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在更广泛范围内,整个美国国立卫生研究院对1995年通过的财务利益冲突的条例进行了实质性的修改。More broadly, the NIH is substantively revising its regulations on financial conflict of interest, which were originally adopted in 1995.

适量的表面含氧官能团能使较多的反硝化菌较牢固地吸附在炭纤维载体上。The surface oxygenic functional groups of proper amount could make the denitrifying bacterium more substantively and firmly adsorbed on CF carrier.

我找不到任何能从“质”或“量”上来证明姚明为鸭梨或火箭队带来了经济利益的确切数字,所以说第2点关于经济效应的说法也是不成立的。I don't have exact number to prove "substantively" or "quantitatively" that Yao brings economic benefit for Les or Rockets team, so No. 2 is not valid.

应符合「公开发行公司独立董事设置及应遵循事项办法」所订之实质独立性要件。Must be substantively independent as set out in the Regulations Governing Appointment of Independent Directors and Compliance Matters for Public Companies.

在网络游戏虚拟财产产生、变更的过程中,实质性地形成了相应的虚拟财产法律关系。During the course of the production, change of virtual property in network games, corresponding legal relationship of virtual property substantively has formed.

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四是加强在地区和国际事务中的协调,推动东亚区域合作和本地区一体化建设不断迈出实质步伐。Fourth, China and Japan should strengthen coordination on the regional and international issues to substantively advance the regional cooperation and integration in East Asia.

实质上,我认为自研究生阶段来到现在我已经研究过不同的事情,但是形式上,我却一次又一次地再做同一件事。Substantively , I think I have worked on very different things in my evolution from graduate school to now, but formally, I have done the same thing over and over and over again.

如果没有实质的阻碍你发布改进版本或个人制作和使用改进版本,那么关于如何打包一个修订版本的规定是可以接受的。Rules about how to package a modified version are acceptable, if they don't substantively block your freedom to release modified versions, or your freedom to make and use modified versions privately.