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我们在服侍耶和华时就得相信神与我们同在。Trust in the abidance of the Lord when we are serving Him.

安徽经济已经有了三年的持续高速增长。Anhui economy had had abidance of 3 years high speed grows.

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持续的需求不足将对供给造成压力。The abidance lacking of requirement will give press to supplyment.

哪些国家或地区已经做好准备迎接经济的持续发展呢?What country or area already does ready-made receive economic abidance to develop?

经济的持续快速增长,为交通运输业带来了新的发展机遇。Economic abidance grows quickly, brought new development opportunity for traffic carrying trade.

要实现经济的持续增长又必须保持经济增长的质量。The abidance that should achieve economy grows to must maintain the quality that economy grows again.

第五条航空单位的负责人对本单位遵守本规则负责。Article 5The principal of each aviation unit shall be responsible for his unit's abidance by these Rules.

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全球化的迅速发展对东亚地区产生了日益深刻的持续影响。The rapid development of globalization came into being increasingly deep abidance to affect to East Asia area.

分析了装药底面的衬垫材料、衬垫厚度以及载荷持续时间对装药内部等效应力的影响。The influences of pad material, pad thickness, and load abidance time on the stress in the grain were analyzed.

这既不利于分配的公平,也不利于经济的持续稳定增长。This goes against distributive fairness already, the abidance that also goes against economy stabilizes growth.

随着美国生产率的不断提高,美国经济保持了低通胀下的持续增长。As American productivity rise ceaselessly, american economy maintained the abidance below low inflation to grow.

我们又该如何应对,以促进国际海运业的持续发展?How should be we answered again, does with promoting international the abidance of marine course of study develop?

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香港的平稳过渡和经济的持续繁荣是筹划中国经济发展的重要课题。Transferring smoothly of Hong Kong to flourish with economic abidance is the main task that planning China economy grows.

要实现人类社会可持续发展,首先必须实现经济的持续增长。Want to realize human society to be able to develop continuously, the abidance that must achieve economy above all grows.

要实现经济的持续增长又必须保持经济增长的质量。The abidance of economy of a country stabilizes growth to cannot leave the medium and small businesses with numerous amount.

没有国家对国际法的普遍遵守,就不可能有和平安宁的国际法律秩序。Without the universal abidance by international law, there would not be a peaceful and well-being international legal order.

本文对欧共体的持续发展战略做了较为系统的分析概述。The article is right Europe in all the abidance of body developed the strategy to do relatively analytic overview of the system.

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随着我国经济的持续发展,越来越多的国内企业开始开拓海外市场,进行海外投资。Develop as the abidance of our country economy, more and more home companies begin to develop overseas market, have overseas investment.

目的探讨脑室外引流及尿激酶灌注治疗重症脑室出血的治疗效果。To explore the therapeutic effect of the abidance conduction and urokinase laving outside the ventricle to treat severe cerebral hemorrhage.

目的探索社区卫生服务组织人员结构对社区卫生服务可持续性发展的影响。Objective To discuss the influence of manpower structure of community health service organization on abidance development of general practice.