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唐顿庄园赢来了新的仆人。Tang Du is manorial win came new lackey.

侍从?噢,抱歉,从政治角度,这么说对吗?。A lackey?Oh, I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect ?

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正当客人驾到时,厨师和仆人却突然离去。When proper guest is driven, chef and lackey leave suddenly however.

当下美国的一条走狗都比那些士兵重要得多。A lackey for the current US is far more important than those soldiers.

贵胄很不高兴地将金币收回,奖给了头一个仆人。Gui Zhou calls in gold coin very grouchily, award gave a head a lackey.

本拉登说,“欧洲跟在美国之后,除了当跟屁虫之外,别无选择。”"Europe marched behind it with no choice but to be a lackey , " bin Laden said.

社群序位表现为2-3个等级,即优势鼠、次优势鼠和从属鼠。The order in the colonies have 2 or 3 class in a colony that are dominant, 2nd dominant and lackey.

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一天,这位贵人的仆人在洗涤雀笼的时候,不小心放走了一只麻雀。A day , the lackey of this noble is in catharsis sparrow basket when , not careful let slip a spadger.

雷基说,只要看到“凹进去”的车库门,就很容易断定这是布巴干的。Bubba-related incidents are easily identified by a garage door that appears 'punched in, ' says Mr. Lackey.

当然他们没有必要这么做,在他们争夺国外市场的斗争中,他是一只可以利用而且俯首贴耳的走狗。Of course there's no reason why they should, he's a useful and obedient lackey in their struggle for foreign markets.

故窗帘应选用相应一点儿的色彩、图案、面料,像一个“仆人”站在床边。Reason curtain should choose the colour of corresponding a bit, design, fabrics, resemble " lackey " stand in bedside.

不过人们不把他看做西方傀儡,像某些阿拉伯领导人那样,据说把外部势力的利益放在本国国民之上。But he was not so widely perceived as a western lackey as some Arab leaders accused of putting outside interests before those of his people.

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因为人都会有虚荣心的。所以那些马屁精就借着人这一缺点来进行吹捧。Because the person is met, have vanity. So those lackey are worn with respect to evening this one defect comes to the person undertake flattering.

不单单是现在,任何时候马屁精都很吃香。有一种很时髦的叫法是人际关系沟通能力强。Not be now only, any moment lackey very be very popular. One is plant very modern making a way is human relation communication capability is strong.

首先,站在汉民族角度,施琅是不折不扣的满清鹰犬,说他是汉奸一点也不为过。To begin with, from the perspective of the Han people, Shi Lang was nothing but a Manchu Qing lackey . To say he was a traitor doesn't even come close.

那一刻,我不觉得一个老板要蹲着帮人擦鞋很丢脸,更不觉得他一副奴才相,相反我觉得他很伟大。At that moment, I do not think the boss of a squat to help people lose face is shining, but he does not think a lackey phase, on the contrary I think he was great.

结婚以后,刘太太更加觉得丈夫处处比自己强,因此小心翼翼侍候丈夫,生怕丈夫对自己有什么不满。After marrying, mrs Liu more feel the husband compares him everywhere strong, because of this cautious lackey husband, husband of for fear that has what dissatisfaction to oneself.