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他听到一匹马正在疾步驰近。He heard a horse approaching ata spanking trot.

1991年,在发布会上推广NeXT的ata计算机。Pitching NeXT’s machines ata computer conference in 1991.

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在一家繁华的商店里,一位店员对刚买了一些东西的顾客表示感谢。A clerk ata busy store thanks a customer who has just bought something.

SETI希望凑集到更多的钱让艾伦望远镜重新运转。SETI is hoping to rustle up some more money to get the ATA running again.

主机端的主要任务在于硬盘数据的读取。The main mission of the host is to read and write data from the ATA devices.

SCSI协议和ATA协议是当前存储市场运用最广泛的数据通道接口协议。SCSI protocol and ATA protocol are the most widely used in the current storage markets.

近期看来SETI可能很快筹集到足够资金重新开动该矩阵。It now appears that SETI may soon raise enough money to get the ATA up and running again.

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直接燃油喷射的燃油喷射到燃烧室在高得多的压力。Direct fuel injection sprays the fuel into the combustion chamber ata much higher pressure.

目前完成高中的青年数量也达到历史新高。The number of young adults that have finished high school is also now ata record all-time high.

亚洲适用技术发现亚洲地区存在各种本土适用技术及手法。ATA has found that a host of appropriate indigenous practices and technologies exist regionally.

设置跳线对电缆选择使用一个电ATA电缆,电缆接头的位置决定了主人或奴隶。Set the jumper to Cable Select if using an UItra ATA cable, cable position determines Master or Slave.

到目前为止,无人驾驶汽车发生的唯一一次事故是汽车尾部撞上了红绿灯。So far, the only mishap the self-driving car has encountered was getting rear-ended ata traffic light.

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会员资料,阿拉木图道德,代码如何选择翻译,注册税务师会员目录,链接。Membership information, ATA Code of Ethics, How to Select a Translator, CTA membership directory, links.

请记住,在你尚未在巴黎的法国餐厅里吃过饭之前,都不算尝过法国真正的风味。Remember, you haven't tasted the true flavor of France until you've dined ata French restaurant in Paris.

主要讨论相干体技术在鲍店煤矿十采区实际地震资料中的应用。In this paper, the application of coherency cube technique in the 3D d ata of Baodian Coal Mine is discussed.

你可以变身成地面部队以轻松躲过空对空单位,还可以变身成空中单位以躲过地对地单位。You can easily dodge ATA units by turning into a ground unit, and on top of that you can go to air to dodge GTG units.

通过解析ATA协议,硬盘加密卡对写入硬盘的数据进行加密,对从硬盘读出的数据进行解密。After the analysis of the ATA protocol, the hard disk encryption card encrypts the written data and decrypts the read data.

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我猜想画中人物都是他在塔拉窝村附近那所房子里的寄居者,而那个喂奶的女人和她怀里的婴儿就是爱塔和他们的第一个孩子。I suspected that for the figures had sat his household above Taravao, and the woman and the baby were Ata and his first son.

举个例子,您可以请志愿者帮您检修一台经常死机的电脑或者不能正常打印的打印机。For example, you might ask a volunteer to look ata PC that keeps crashing or a printer that sometimes garbles your print jobs.

此材种稳定性佳,铺装时以自然拼紧为宜,板与板之间不必刻意插片留缝。Good Stability, pavement ata suitable natural tight fight, between the board and the board do not have to deliberately inserted to stay joint.