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富士公司也为教育宣传活动提供支持。They also support educational outreach.

它甚至延伸到新传媒。The outreach extends to new media as well.

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其外展长度在新闻报道中尚未公布。Outreach had not been released by press date.

上门访问是最古老也是最顶级的办法。Door-knocking is the oldest and best outreach method.

在大众媒体中制造原创性的内容。Create original content for the social media outreach.

这将是我们展风永远追求的目标。This will be our outreach wind always pursuit of the goal.

再没有比世界语更好的推广计划的例子了。There's no better example of outreach program than Esperanto.

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在土耳其,奥巴马继续向穆斯林世界伸出友谊之手。In Turkey, Mr. Obama continued his outreach to the Muslim world.

外展小组同意照看他的小狗,直到他出来。The outreach team agreed to look after his dog until he returned.

以社会为基础的多种类的项目延伸了医院的超越。A variety of community-based programs extend the hospital's outreach.

我认为这就是奥巴马总统进行接触的做法之所以有效的原因。And I think that’s what makes President Obama’s outreach so effective.

我们希望它基于我们的人文交流与理解的机制。We want it to be based on our people-to-people outreach and understanding.

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胡锦涛将在扩大首脑会议上就气候变化问题阐述中国的看法和主张。Hu will present China's propositions on climate change at the outreach session.

第三个计划是科学研究与教育培养计划。The third component of the AWI is the Research and Educational Outreach Program.

中乐团也在社区文娱中心和学校举办免费外展演出。It also organised free outreach performances at community arts centres and schools.

让学生们在拓展活动中在方方面面都得到锻炼,这是不可能的。It’s impossible for them to experience all the perspectives in outreach activities.

请将你的做品交给徐姊妹或任何一位“对外拓展部”的同工。Please submit your work to Sister Gloria Xu or any other member of the "outreach group".

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公共汽车和地铁所能到达的地方是有限的,可是如果我有了车,去哪儿都可以。The outreach of buses and subways is still limited, but with a car, I can go everywhere.

我们还没有任何一个项目教家长如何做家长。And even we haven't an outreach program to teach parents how to be parents to their kids.

卫生和公众服务部将继续广泛地联系各州,帮助它们实施这一指导原则。HHS continues to do extensive outreach to help states put these guidelines into practice.