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厉行节约在克莱斯勒公司是一件新鲜事。Austerity was a new idea at Chrysler.

克莱斯勒共有约66,000名员工。Chrysler employs about 66, 000 people.

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破产后一年,克莱斯勒一直在不断重整旗鼓。A year after bankruptcy, Chrysler is on the rebound.

目前,克莱斯勒已在合并中取得先手。Right now, Chrysler holds the upper hand in the merger.

只有采取断然措施才能挽救克莱斯勒公司。Only drastic measures could save the Chrysler Corporation.

调查发现,三大厂家中目前最脆弱的是克莱斯勒。One of the most vulnerable, CNW's survey found, was Chrysler.

但我们还知道在这里发生了什么,在此地的克莱斯勒工厂。But we also know what’s happened here, at this Chrysler plant.

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查找无线电厂为您更换或GMC的克莱斯勒汽车。" Found "on" the factory radio to replace the GMC or Chrysler.

克莱斯勒希望在6月9日前削减789家专卖店以缩减其销售网。Chrysler wants to reduce its network by 789 showrooms by June 9.

克莱斯勒计划关闭特拉华州工厂及裁员1.3万。Chrysler plans to close a Delaware plant and to cut 13, 000 jobs.

一名菲亚特的元老级任务被任命接管克莱斯勒品牌。Fiat veteran was parachuted in to take charge of the Chrysler brand.

事情竟发展到这种地步,克莱斯勒公司很快就成了人们拿来取笑的一个词语。It got to the point where Chrysler was fast becoming a one-word joke.

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很多青年人都想望得到一辆克莱斯勒公司的车子,因为它是热门货。A lot of young people had wanted a Chrysler because it was a hot item.

管理克莱斯勒可能也要迫使马尔其奥尼做出另一个选择。Running Chrysler also may force Mr. Marchionne to make another change.

我们是你们的邻居,那辆克莱斯勒半价给我好吗?We Canadians are close neighbors. Give me that Chrysler at half price"?

我到克莱斯勤公司还不到三个月,天就象是要塌下来。I had been at Chrysler less than three months when all hell break loose.

通用和克莱斯特都表示到明年年底他们就会破产。G.M. and Chrysler both say they could be out of money by early next year.

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希伊表示,大部分人购买汽车的人是重复的克莱斯勒客户。Sheehy said most of the people buying cars are repeat Chrysler customers.

还有,克莱斯勒快要从破产中快速的脱身而出了。And Chrysler is on the verge of exiting from its bankruptcy in record time.

克莱斯勒可能试图促使CAW的工资开支低于UAW的。Chrysler may be trying to push the CAW's wage costs below that ofthe UAW's.