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她被他的淫威镇住了。She was smothered by his despotic power.

默罕默德瞧不起萨达姆侯赛因的暴虐政权。Muhammad despised Saddam Hussein's despotic regime.

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人们起来反抗君主的专制统治。People rose up against the despotic rule of their potentate.

您承认我们这里有“长期存在”的暴啊君统治,您说的太对了。How right you are to affirm our "long-standing practice" of despotic rule.

并非是一个暴政野蛮的独裁者,因为他们从来没有过这样的人It was not of a brutal despotic ruler, because they didn't have any such thing.

在这种专制统治之下,经济日益困难,不满情绪日益增长。The money is running short, discontents are arising beneath these despotic rulers.

数不清的信徒是在暴虐专横的政府之下忠心地服事主。Untold millions of believers have served him faithfully under despotic governments.

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有一个残暴的苏丹,是独眼龙,请来三位画家来为他画像。A despotic sultan who was blind in one eye invited three artists to paint his picture.

一八九八年,一批举人企因通过一系列温和的改良来限制清王朝的专制权力。In 1898, these scholars tried to limit the despotic powers of the Manchus by a series of mild reforms.

品种有军帽,朝鲜国内的明信片,他们的专制领袖金正日的照片。There are military caps, postcards from inside North Korea, pictures of its despotic leader Kim Jong-il.

不过,要是认为中国统治因此变得更加独断、荒谬或专制,那就错了。However, it would be wrong to think that this made Chinese governance arbitrary, irrational, or despotic.

通过经常进入非洲的民族战争,饥荒新闻帐户的全球性的想象力,和专制的政治制度。Africa often enters the global imagination through news accounts of ethnic war, famine, and despotic political regimes.

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专制统治者为了惩治贪贿犯罪制定了种种对策,包括事前预防、事中监督和事后惩罚。Despotic rulers made a lot of countermeasures against these crimes. They includes precaution, supervise and punishment.

然而,他们也说专制统治是中国进一步发展的最大障碍。However, they also say the despotic rule of the Communist Party is the biggest obstacle to China’s further development.

即使其看起来像一个问题,这一句实际上是一项建议或专制的命令,其取决于女人的心情。Even if it looks like a question, this phrase is actually a suggestion or a despotic order, depending by the woman’s mood.

即使其看起来像一个问题,这一句实际上是一项建议或专制的命令,其取决于女人的心情。Even if it looks like a question, this phrase is actually a suggestion or a despotic order, depending by the woman’s mood.

乔治奥威尔大胆的告诉我们在专横暴虐的政权下这个世界会变成怎样。George Orwell took the liberty to tell us how what the world look like if despotic and oppressive regimes took the upper hand.

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结果,处于这种专制制度下的人们用引爆自己身体的方式来表达他们对美国入侵的忿恨。As a result, the people under this despotic policy explode themselves in order to express their dudgeon against American insult.

中国封建王朝下官吏贪贿犯罪的产生有其特定的原因,专制统治者虽制定了种种对策却收效甚微。In ancient China, bribery derived from some special reasons. Despotic rulers made a lot of countermeasures against these crimes.

当时中国有一个主要的机会可以加入的,但是他们专横的政府认为航运是一种威胁,并且大面积的禁止了它。China did have a brief opportunity to join in, but their despotic government regarded shipping as a threat and largely banned it.