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比如,蝎子和沙丘鹤就是靠舞姿来吸引异性的。Scorpions and sandhill cranes, for instance, dance to impress.

沙丘鹤在威斯康新州北部产卵。Sandhill cranes lay their eggs in the northern state of Wisconsin.

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詹姆斯知道一些沙丘鹤总是在傍晚飞到里面的一小片水域休息。James knows some sandhill cranes rest in a small water area in the evening.

沙丘鹤的叫声在帐外响起,可汤姆和我只能看着詹姆斯。Sandhill Cranes twittering outside, but Tom and I only could looking at James.

密西西比河的沙丘鹤呢?它们减少到只有25对繁殖期的鸟只了。What about Mississippi sandhill cranes, which are down to about 25 breeding pairs?

五十万只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州的普拉特河上停留,寻觅附近田里剩下的玉米、蠕虫和其它食物,给自己增加脂肪。Half a million sandhill cranes pause on the Platte River in Nebraska to fatten up on corn waste, worms, and other food in nearby fields.

鹤的种类有很多,例如,灰鹤,沙丘褐,澳洲鹤,黑颈鹤等,总共大概有15个品种。There are many kinds of cranes, such as the Common Crane, Sandhill Crane, Brolga, Black-necked Crane and so on, in all about 15 species.

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那简直就像我前几周在密西西比州沙丘鹤国家野生动物保护区看到的完美景象如出一辙。As I just saw pitcher plants at the Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge a couple weeks ago, it seemed the perfect subject.

年度迁徙途中的数千只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州吉本附近的罗保护区停留,栖息在普拉特河上。Thousands of sandhill cranes roost on the Platte River during their annual migratory stopover at the Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, Nebraska.

它们的惊人努力,它们抗拒分心的努力将产生新的沙丘鹤军团,将发展更新这个物种的活力。Their prodigious efforts, their resistance to distraction, would yield new cohorts of sandhill cranes, extending and rejuvenating the species.

亨利站在那儿聚精会神地看着,期待每一页新的神奇,当看到沙丘鹤,美洲骨顶鸡,大海雀,大啄木鸟时,他欣喜的叫了起来。Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane,American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.

亨利站在那儿聚精会神地看着,期待每一页新的神奇,当看到沙丘鹤,美洲骨顶鸡,大海雀,大啄木鸟时,他欣喜的叫了起来。Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane, American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.

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亨利站在那儿聚精会神地看着,期待每一页新的神奇,当看到沙丘鹤,美洲骨顶鸡,大海雀,大啄木鸟时,他欣喜的叫了起来。Henry stands attentively, waits each time for the new wonder, emits small noises of pleasure for each Sandhill Crane,American Coot, Great Auk, Pileated Woodpecker.

我们的高粱秋收已经成为沙丘鹤的经典传统,不仅高粱糖浆是我们最大的农业收入来源,而且是我们一年里的主要社会事件。Our fall sorghum harvest has become a Sandhill tradition. Not only is sorghum syrup our biggest agricultural income source, it's also one of our main social events of the year.