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这房间闻起来有霉味。This room smells a little musty.

他的随笔或许带有陈腐的学究气。His essays can be Oxbridge musty.

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这个房间闻起来有股发霉的陈味儿。The room smelled musty and stale.

熏香发霉的气味令她感到头晕。The musty aroma of incense made her head swim.

请问读者,你最喜欢去的古董店是否有股发霉的气味?That musty smell in your favorite antique store?

他们的客厅如殡馆霉烂。Themselves, their parlors musty as a funeral home.

她打开门后闻到一股难闻的霉味,不禁做了个鬼脸。Opening the door, she made a face at the musty smell.

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我搜遍这个又霉又烂的地方找老鼠,比克。I scavenged this whole moldy musty place for rats, Beak.

打开门,一股霉味扑面而来。When the door was open,a musty smell came from the room.

它闻起来霉味的确很重。可以让我的机械师检查一下吗?It does smell rather musty. Can my mechanic check it out?

流浪猫蜷伏在阴冷的巷角,嗅着风雨中的霉味。Stray cat crouched in the cold wind rain lane angle, smell musty.

他连着好几个钟头呆在藏书楼里细心翻阅那一些发霉味的文献资料。He had spent several hours in the library poring over those musty documents.

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痕量的杂质会使气体带有一种霉味或刺激性气味。Trace quantities of impurities can impart a musty or pungent odor to the gas.

书架上堆着发霉的旧书,书页已经又黄又脆。The shelves are loaded with old musty books whose pages have become yellowish.

波贝,柬埔寨——你可能认为奴隶制是仅见于发霉泛黑的照片里的罪恶。POIPET, Cambodia— One thinks of slavery as an evil confined to musty sepia photographs.

这家银行的内部看起来就像是个发霉的仓库,坑坑洼洼、光线昏暗,向外敞开着。Inside, the bank faintly resembles a musty warehouse—cavernous, dimly lit, and mostly open.

不能让它潮湿的在角落发霉,而要常常把它拿出来,凉一凉,散散湿气。Can not make it in the corner of the musty damp, and to always put it out, cool a cool, casual San moisture.

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我们还要有多久坐在走廊中,实行这些无聊的陈规陋习,弄得任何工作都荒诞不堪,还要有多久呢?How long shall we sit in our porticoes practising idle and musty virtues, which any work would make impertinent?

可以减少由留在船内的湿气和潮气中的真菌及霉菌在空气中增多的机会。Reduce the chances of mold, mildew and musty air development caused by trapped moisture and humidity in the boat.

福勒跟着奥萨布尔走过他租了一个房间的阴暗的法国旅馆的发霉的走廊,感到十分失望。Following him down the musty corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Ausable had a room, Fowler felt disappointed.